
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Logs and Life Part 3

Well, the day arrived! Yesterday David managed to get the truck to deliver the log into town. It's a mighty bit of timber and was kind of recalcitrant all the way in - difficult to pick up and manoeuvre into place; wanting to lean and fall on the trip in and so on. But it has arrived and looks fabulous.

We went to visit today and when we arrived, a teenage boy was stopped, reading the text. The text is by Marianne Williamson "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...". In working through this piece I learned that despite the fabulous urban myth, Nelson Mandela did not write these words, nor has he ever said them out loud in a public speech; yet so many of us associate them with him. So that was a surprise to us all.

David is pleased and I am proud - it was a nice collaborative piece which stands like a sentinel at the entrance to his shop.

The log, David and I in various arrangements!


  1. Congratulations Fiona, this is a marvellous effort and it looks great in situ. I had to nuzzle my way in to see it today as there were lots of onlookers.

  2. Fiona, that is amazing... looks fantastic, well done you, it's one hell of a pice of wood!


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