
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A full heart

Or my heart is full...

We have arrived home safe and sound, and are settling back into the rhythm of things, a little sleepy at times, but well on the way to 'normal'.

One of the things I keep an eye out for as I wander here or there, is hearts, and I have found them in many unexpected places and taking many forms, and this trip was no different .

On a gate in Edinburgh

And on a wall in Edinburgh...

One of the ropes for tying down fishing nets had fallen this way, and if I cropped it, there was a heart.

The door handle on the fabulous boat shed on Loch loyal looked heart-shaped to me.

A manhole cover at Sumberg Lighthouse on Shetland hid a heart.

The mosaic on a wall in Lerwick, Shetland was more planned.

On a wall inside St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall, Orkney there were a couple.

This is one of my favourites - a rock on the walk to Armadale broch.

Our door stones at the cottage - I collect rocks and pebbles and stones that appear heart-shaped to me; and the group is growing.

 A leaf heart in Singapore.

And now we are home and my heart is full. Another door stone heart and peace.


  1. Glad to hear you are back safely. I've thoroughly enjoyed your posts from Scotland. Although they're relatively close to us we don't manage to get up to the Highlands as much as we'd like. You've reminded me to make more of an effort

    1. So glad you enjoyed the trip with us Jac! The west coast is a stunning place; and the Forsianard Flow blanket bog is breathtaking. Fingers crossed you can visit some time...go well.

  2. oh there is such deep magic in that lichen covered stone heart on the walk to Armadale broch!

    1. Oh yes Mo, it took my breath away when I saw it - it is old and sturdy and so strong... full of solid love and care and hope...go well.

  3. I too am pleased that you're safely back to Australia after what has seemed like a dreamy time in Scotland. It's been wonderful to read your posts from the Highlands. And now we can look forward to the "home" projects too. Thanks so much for your lovely and thought-provoking blog.

  4. A lovely post of hearts. Rest well. I have really enjoyed your Scottish posts too.

    1. The hearts just make me smile Louise - I love coming across them in their many guises. It is good to be back - busy but good! Go well.

  5. Replies
    1. Me too Annick - I love looking for them, and finding them. Go well.


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