Following on from my annual review and our annual planning around life and art, I recently approached the State Library of Queensland about a couple of books.
I asked if they would be interested in
A Place Among the Clouds;
On Joy; and
I grow still...
On a visit to GOMA with friends a week or two ago I was able to drop the books off to the Library for appraisal (the buildings are next door neighbours). By the time I got home I had an email with the happy news that they would like like to purchase all three and add them to their collection!
I was thrilled.
The paperwork is underway - making sure I provide enough detail for anybody who may ever 'borrow' them or wish to examine them; and also for the Librarians who need to know how best to store and protect them in perpetuity.
It is such an honour to be included in this collection - it is a truly fine collection and one of (I actually think the) best artists' book collections in Australia. Happy dance!