
Saturday, August 15, 2009


I mentioned we had been travelling in Western Australia recently and that we came across this remarkable bushwalk/sculpture trail at Northcliff called Understory. It took us about an hour or so to wander through and to be honest, if you really wanted to understand the whole story and the interactions of the artists, the musicians and the writers it would probably take a good half day. The audio tour we followed had a number of the artists speaking about the inspiration for their work, the process of developing and creating and their response to the location. There were other audio tours with commentary by the musicians and the writers as well as one for children.

It is a collective response by a group of artists following the closure of the mill in Northcliff and many of the artworks tell stories of the tall timbers, the forests and the people who have worked there.
I really liked the pieces that were ephemeral...disappearing into and becoming part of the forest.

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