
Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Letter a Week (ALaW) 5

I am just sneaking my letter in in time this week!  In many ways it has been a fabulous week because so many people have been posting to A Letter a Week 2010 and showing what they have done with their first four letters. I have been very busy helping out - getting photos compressed, giving basic how-to-blog tips and posting on behalf of those who haven't yet mastered the 'art' of blogging. It has been busy but oh so satisfying.

Despite that and a trip to Canberra for work in between, here is my letter "E". I think I really have to stop doing letters that are hard to photograph!  I wanted to experiment with aluminium 'shim' and first of all tried to cut the letter out and found it was very hard (or at least beyond me at that point) to attach to timber; so have left that experiment for another day.  Instead I used a ball-point embossing tool to draw into the 'shim' and to decorate it.  I then attached it to some mat board - just by folding it over. So again, I am pleased to have experimented with the materials.


  1. Very nice and elegant, Fiona. At first glance I thought your E was on glass or mirror. Aluminium shim... is lovely to work with.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.