
Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Letter a Week (ALaW) 12

We are nearly halfway through the first alphabet for A Letter a Week 2010; my how time flies! When we visited our friend Pam in Canberra, she showed us some pieces she had done with this technique and I thought for sure I should try it.

I first painted Arches Velin paper with black acrylic paint.  After drying, I painted over that with some gold acrylic which had some 'retardant" added to slow down the drying time so you could 'work' it.

I then used the sided of a bonefolder to make some sweeping gestures and lines, allowing some of the underneath black to show through, and then used the point of the bonefolder to outline the "L". It was fun and I think there will be other ways of using it too. Maybe next time I'll try for a stronger contrast with the black.

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