
Sunday, August 8, 2010

The VW book

I have been playing with a book style that Carol Du Bosch showed in the most recent edition of Bound & Lettered.

She suggested it was a 'star' book or a 'VW' book and I like the VW thing - it helps me remember how to make it! It is a simple but gorgeous form with so many variations and possibilities.  Here is what I have been playing with.

It starts with single pages/cards and folds one into a 'V' and one into a 'W', then basically sticks them together.  I am still playing around with covers and tying and wrapping it, and I think it will continue to entertain me for quite a while.


  1. this is such sculptural structure, so elegant, with so many possibilities... Thank you for showing it!

  2. it's wonderful when a structure entertains and captures your imagination for a while.

  3. F Love the delicate snow crystal like form of this book when looked at from above. I think the cut outs give it the delicate form. B

  4. It is a delight to see your VW book and the reference to my article and instructions in Bound and Lettered. I've enjoyed and been a fan of your blog for a very long time. It is a small world that we can "meet" this way!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.