
Monday, September 27, 2010


I mentioned recently that I had been accepted to take part in this ongoing project BookArtObject. In 2009 printmaker/ book artist and blogger, Sara Bowen, invited her blog readers to participate in an experimental group project: to produce a book edition using a project-specific blog on which to share information, ideas, progress, and results

Her call found seven artists who were willing to join in and develop small bookworks in response to noted Australian poet, Rosemary Dobson’s ‘Learning Absences’. If you spend time on the BAO blog you will see the fabulous results as well as the journey.

Following completion of this edition, the invitation went out to other interested parties and I stuck my hand up and said 'yes please if you'll have me'.  With 15 or so members now, the project has set up two groups to respond to two different works.

I will be working with New Zealand writer and artist Claire Beynon's poem "Paper Wrestling" and will need to produce an edition of around 15 books.  This allows each member of the sub group to receive a copy; the author to receive a copy and the chance to have several other copies available for inclusion in exhibitions and shows.  

The blog has been wonderful to watch and observe and to see how problems and dilemmas are resolved, techniques shared and the joy of receiving the final pieces expressed across the globe. As I often say when commenting on the blog I am "scared but excited".

I'll fill you in as I go with how I am exploring the work and how the books are shaping up. Here is a sample of the beautiful books from Edition 1. Sigh.


  1. A nice description of BookArtObject, Fiona. From what I've seen of your work you'll be a great asset to the group. I'm doing Claire's poem too, and at the moment wrestling with ideas, wondering how to start. I'm sure you'll enjoy the process.

  2. If I had not joined BAO already and had seen this post, I would have begged on my knees to be allowed to participate!
    It's going to be a wonderful collaborative experience; I feel it already!

  3. Looking forward to seeing all our books and processes reveal themselves. Don't worry your work is wonderful and I am sure you will come up with something stunning for this edition. I too am a little scared; the standard is high but I am looking forward to it too. Just if only I could find some time right now.... that paper I bought still hasn't even made it to my studio!

  4. it sounds so good doesn't it!!

  5. Just on Sunday, Alison and I were saying that we are feeling the need to start...a turning over of ideas, a groping towards the one that will make things gel...


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.