
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Finding my Place...again

Just for Velma, here are a few more photos of the book.  You can see the stitching in one, the 'spread' of a couple of openings and another close up of one of the pages. Double-clicking on the photo makes it a bit bigger and easier to see.

This paper is rusted, but isn't braille paper like I am using for my letters...


  1. THANK YOU! fiona, it's so very much more wonderful when i can "see" it. your craftsmanship is very fine and i can see how the binding works (you won't believe what i thought was happening on the spines!)

  2. I'm interested in the single sheet binding. Thanks for the extra photos, Fiona. The rusted paper is gorgeous.

  3. what a cool binding solution for single pages!

  4. I have rusted fabric but never thought about the same techniques on paper. Have so enjoyed reading your blog posts and especially the poem. Wonderful imagery and executed to perfection. Thank you!

  5. Thanks everyone. I love the rusted paper as well - it gives such tantalising areas of interest, of washes, of remnants. I too love the singe page binding. It opens flat as compared to stab bindings...

  6. I was lucky to see this exquisite book in person - a special little gem xoxo


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.