
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Letter a Week 33 & 34

I have been running a bit behind again with my letters.  One of life's little mysteries to me.  How can the simple task I set myself of just doing a small piece of creativity a week disappear from sight some weeks?

Life gets full, and distractible and work piles up and the garden calls out to you (I swear it speaks my name some days) and then before you realise it, you haven't actually DONE any art.

I get an art-fill most days by checking other people's blogs and wandering around the internet in my spare moments; but I realise I need to make. So yesterday afternoon I did.

Here are G and H.  Still stitched on rusted braille paper. I left the G alone decoration-wise as there was so much letter to deal with, but chose an interestingly wavy piece of paper.  I burned and charred some incense stick holes along the bottom of H, which was just an outline letter.

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