
Monday, September 6, 2010

Newsy bits and the letter 'i'

It's kind of funny that I am up to the letter 'I' for my 2nd alphabet for A Letter a Week. I have been reading a lot about the practical, business side of promoting your arts practice and of course a simple message keeps appearing.  How will anybody know what you are doing, where to find your work or what you have achieved if you don't tell them?  Good question.

I would have to say that marketing and promotion of my work are not strengths I can own.  I have however, undertaken to mention three things here that are kind of promotional.

1. Some of my works were recently accepted into a soon to be published(by the Australian Society of Calligraphers) book of Contemporary Australian and New Zealand calligraphy. This is quite a 'wow' moment for me as I never would have thought to submit my work before I began blogging. Weird connection but this quietly telling and showing people my work has helped build confidence.

2. I have had interest from two galleries who are interested in showing my work.  I am excited by having work in their 'stockroom' showings; as well as exploring options for major showings. As a result I am quite busy beavering away on ideas of what could go where, would work in their space etc.

3. I have joined a wonderful book-making adventure called Book Art Object. Again this is another step in being out there - committing to produce an edition of around 15 books based on a poem. I'll talk more about it another time; but it's a wonderful, collaborative, exploration across the world.

So following all that 'I' talk; here is the letter for last week - 'i'. Stitched on rusted braille paper with a few pencil curves in the background.


  1. That's very encouraging,Fiona.
    I have been wanting to ask you two did you come by the Braille paper/ And, slightly left-field, do you know Sally Elmer? She's an artist from Brisbane, but, last I heard, was hoping to move to her Maleny forest home.

  2. Hi Dinah (I hope that's you behind the name...). The Braille paper wan't too hard - I just rang Vision Australia and asked for help and they sent out their leftovers. Like the 2006 NRL football draw in braille. I make a donation and the world goes round.

    Haven't met Sally yet - but would be happy to catch up if she's made her way up here! There's lots of folk lurking in the forests...

  3. fiona, i totally empathise with the self promotion thing. i've been wotrking at it for a couple of years, the blog helps, friends help. those old voices saying "not good enough" still annoying.

  4. Fiona,
    These are great news! And... very healthy and deserved thoughts, correctly oriented plans and a great way to introduce your wonderfully done "i"!
    All the best!

  5. Love the "i"!

    And the news is great. Self-promotion is a difficult thing to do, but is a 'must'. Sounds like you are in the right path to progress.

  6. so minimal and yet subtle texture adds the interest.

  7. Congratulations on all your ventures and successes and all the best for getting known "out there". Your letters on the braille paper are quite beautiful - will you bind them into a book at the end?


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.