
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Book Art Object - developing ideas

I've mentioned here that I am participating in the Book Art Object project this time around and I am finding time in between all the general madness to think about the book, the poem and how it will all come together.

This is the first time I have had an edition to produce - at least 15 copies of the book.  That will make one for each member of my 'team', a couple to go in joint exhibitions, one to go to the author of the poem and a couple left over for me to hang onto, send to other exhibitions etc.

I have been scribbling down ideas and notes in books here and there whenever I think about it; and today I got the chance to sit and see if any of the ideas might possibly work. I started out with one idea; did a bit of a mock-up and thought no, I didn't like the interruptions between the text. I then did another one which required me to think long and hard about fronts and backs of pages and about each page as divided into 4 and where the different bits appear, and this one has more promise.

I find with both calligraphy and book making so much preparation and planning and trialling and testing go into a piece. At so many points along the way you can discover difficulties! I think both disciplines require patience and a willingness to accept that things can take a bit of time.

Here are a couple of shots of the scribbles today (transcription errors included).


  1. Good luck with this undertaking, F. One of my much-delayed projects I hope to get to this winter is to create a book featuring my poems and photos, and while it will be far from a handmade art object and will rely heavily on computer assistance, oddly, my initial mockups look a lot like yours laid out and played out on white sheets! It is so important to treat books of all kinds seriously, from birth to old age! I can see by the attention you are giving this one, it will be a fine creation!

  2. yes, good luck indeed Fiona, sounds like quiet a challenge ahead of you, though I only know to well that the finished piece will be devine as all your works do. This devotion to detail is what makes the pieces hum so beautifully.

  3. TT/G - so true that these books deserve respect! I hope you get to your book this winter - I'm sure it will be gorgeous. It's fun to go back to pencil and paper and nut out how the thing should work and look.

    Kim - thanks for the lovely words! Some pieces do get a lot of attention to their detail - I like that the whole finished piece has integrity and things belong where they belong.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.