
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday Thoughts...

Creativity doesn’t ask permission. It comes when it wants, leaves when it likes. In another life creativity must have been a cat.
Quinn McDonald

Life feels a bit like this today - we have had a whirlwind week with no time to get into the studio or even think a creative thought it seems.

I think I like this one because of the reference to a cat.  I love cats even tho we don't have one at the moment.  I do like the independent nature of cats; their self containedness and their general sense of being able to look after themselves.  And to be affectionate and calming and soothing as well.

But I digress. I think that somedays I just get in the groove, the creativity flows, bits go here there and everywhere and magic happens. On other days, it seems as if I couldn't buy a piece of successful creativity if I tried.

Life can be so very distracting with other demands (like work and house and garden and family and friends and community and ...), I find that by regularly making time to be in the studio, on most days some sort of inspiration appears and I get to be creative, if only for a fleeting moment after several episodes of being uninspired. I figure if I'm there, I have far more chance of being available for creativity when it appears, than if I'm not, but its an ongoing challenge to find the ways and places that make it really happen.

'Create' dreamboat ©Fiona Dempster 2010


  1. ~fiona...this is beautiful!!! and i love the quote so true...i struggle with the same feeling of creativity and inspiration...days i will tinker about with ideas flowing and i can't seem to get my mind or hands to work fast enough and then days i feel i am pulling at every available thought in my mind to come up with has been a wonderful few months getting to know you and barry and i look forward to the days ahead...thank you for all of your kindness and words you have shared with two are ever so inspiring and dear kindred spirits that are such a blessing to each who stumbles over...i wish for you and barry a beautiful holiday ahead...filled with only an abundance of blessing upon you...much l♥ve and light always shining brightly upon you and yours~

  2. I know what you mean about having to be in the studio and receptive to the possibilities of being creative, otherwise you miss your chance... Wishing you a very inspired, creative and restorative Christmas! Sara x

  3. You are absolutely right Fiona. You have to be in the studio for the magic to happen. And I love your "create" sculpture.
    Wishing you the very best for the Christmas and New Year holidays.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.