
Sunday, January 23, 2011

journeys, places, marks & traces

Barry and I are exhibiting at Studio4 Gallery in the town of Seaside, Marcoola in March.  We have been working away quietly and consistently towards this goal and so far are not panicking. Part of my New Year's resolution has been to go to the studio every day. To do something. To make art. To be there for even 15 minutes, and it seems to be working.

This may seem strange for folk who already make it their business to make art in the studio every day; but its been a shift for me. Until now, I had really only scheduled Friday and the weekends to make sure I made some art; the other days were given over to the real world. We have other work-work that we do, as well as a lot of community bibs and bobs and a block of land that needs attention if we want it to continue to support and sustain us. I am enjoying how now each day day I get to make art!

A significant marker occurred for me on Friday when I took several pieces to the framers. Framing is always such a seminal point in the journey towards exhibiting. As a planner, I need to have things to the framers in time for them to be back with me in time for me not to be anxious in the lead up to the set-up and opening. So I sent 10 pieces off on Friday and have a further 6 to deliver on Monday.

Here are some of the pieces I sent off on Friday. More incense-stick burned pages with encausticed tea bags and a touch of writing.

©Fiona Dempster - Journeys

©Fiona Dempster - Marks

©Fiona Dempster - Homecoming (detail)

©Fiona Dempster - Returning (detail)


  1. too good! I'm starting to approach full scale PANIC (it's less than 4 weeks until I install 'codex interruptum' and no matter how much I keep saying to myself and others 'oh its just a low-key little affair' its not helping me stop feeling high-scale major AGGHHHHHHH!)

    at least I don't have the worry of framing (I'm not doing anything in frames - wheeeeee!) one less decision (don't you find that how you mount and frame something can totally change what the work is/was all about.... sometimes this is good - as it elevates a little gesture to whole new level..... other times it just seems to swamp the mood..... well that's been my experience at any rate!)
    lots of luck getting it all together

  2. Beautiful work, Fiona. I love how all the stages are coming together to realise your vision xoxoxoxo

  3. Fiona, your work is beautiful! I love the mysterious quality and the antique yet modern feel of the pieces. Thanks for showing us!

  4. Lovely meditative pieces Fiona and you've chosen such a good colour for the mount.

    It's amazing how much art you can get done if you follow the daily art rule ... even for a short spell.

  5. I love, love, love these . . . mmmm . . .

  6. These are simply beautiful works. How satisfying this must feel.
    All the best for your show.

  7. they look very good. i do my own framing (i did it as part of my job for a year, so i have the basics down). i am always surprised by the presentation. sometimes happy, sometimes not-it all depends.

  8. Really beautiful Fiona. Personally I have huge difficulties choosing frames - you've done a terrific job.
    Best of luck for the show - wish I could get up to see it.

  9. Ronnie - best wishes - I am quite fond of denial as a strategy myself!!

    Noela - yes, these little pieces have emerged bit by bit with my ponderings.

    Thanks Jane - its interesting how they look antiquey but can also appear quite modern?

    Robyn - thank you; I am enjoying the daily commitment and can't think whyI didn't doit before! Perhaps something about giving myself permission to be an artist I suspect.

    Jann - thanks for dropping by; I'm glad they appeal!

    Leslie - thank you, they are on their way now, fingers crossed.

    Thanks Velma - I agree, I am often surprised by the impact of framing - sometimes happy sometimes not as you say. The work and the frame have to work together.

    Amanda - thanks, I too struggle with the framing thing; it makes them change so much! It would be lovely if you could visit - but don't stress it!

  10. These look wonderful framed! Good work.

  11. Thanks G/TT - I think the little window works well against the stark black too.

  12. I've missed reading my blogs and am now finally getting caught up! These are lovely pieces elegant (my hightest complement!)....enjoy your precious time in the studio!

  13. Great results, Fiona, the black mounts look wonderful with those beautiful images. Best of luck with getting it all together, I'm sure it will be breathtaking. You just keep remembering to breathe.

  14. Thanks Patti- yes making the most of every precious studio moment is a goal.

    And Carol thanks for the reminder to keep breathing! So far so good...

  15. Great work Fiona. Best of luck with the show!
    Make sure you post some pictures for some of us so far away...

  16. Thanks Anna - yes it will be a trick to work out how to share the whole exhibition - but I want to try!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.