
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Hearts

I'm not a very good Valentine's Day person; but I did want to share these lovely hearts that we bought recently to celebrate our anniversary.  We were in Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills (it was 42 degrees - celsius) and we were hot.

We popped our heads into the cool of the local community art gallery and found this wonderful rainbow of hearts! We had to search a bit and the shop assistant was wonderful; hunting here and there and out the back for green and yellow, and we came away with a beautiful rainbow and very happy hearts!

Something just to make us smile!


  1. Your hearts are very beautiful! They made me smile too...

  2. A beautiful rainbow of hearts. Happy Anniversary Fiona and Barry!

  3. Happy Anniversary Fiona!
    Your hearts are beautiful; what a "cool" way to mark this special day...

  4. The little hearts are delightfully cheerful! I love that you purchased enough to the make the rainbow...perfect!

  5. The hearts are beautiful! I can see why they make you smile.

  6. Fiona & Barry, Happy Anniversary! The hearts are truly lovely and will match your rainbow of books. What a happy collection.

  7. Happy Days and Happy Hearts! Glad there were plenty of smiles - they are whimsical and wonderful and continue to make me smile (along with my rainbow stack) whenever I look at them!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.