
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday Thoughts...

Greet each day with your eyes open to beauty, your mind open to change, and your heart open to love.

Paula Finn

I keep a book mark with this quote on it by my computer and turn and look at it and read it  quite often. It acts as a subtle and gentle reminder of things I believe in, and things I try to have with me in my daily life.

Keeping my eyes open to beauty - reminds me of the beauty that is present in the everyday; in the soft colours of dawn; the rich warm gold of a winter moon-set; the elegance of cockatoos silhouetted against the sky; the gentle drift of mist rising in the valley.

Keeping my mind open to change - reminds me to listen and consider other possibilities and ways of being; to try and understand that there are so many worlds out there and I only experience one of them; to realise and celebrate learning every day; and to gain a deeper understanding of something such that I can change my view or position. Ah, the getting of wisdom perhaps?

Keeping my heart open to love - reminds me to celebrate the joy of love; to let those I love and care about know that they are appreciated; and to keep investing in love; not take it for granted.

©Fiona Dempster - Morning Mountains
 I think she captured some wise words to live by.


  1. Fiona, what a beautiful scene and lovely thoughts. Thank you for this post. I hope your hand is feeling better.

  2. Wise words indeed, Fiona.

    I love it when the clouds are still drifting about the base of the mountains. Such a beautiful sight.

  3. I agree these are wise words indeed. If more folks lived by them, the world would be a better place, and we would no longer need to remind ourselves repeatedly that this is our preferred way to live, it simply would be the only way.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.