
Saturday, July 30, 2011

BAO - completed!

Here we finally are at the end of a wonderful journey. I was thrilled and honoured to be accepted into this latest edition of Book Art Object, having followed the progress of the first participants last year.

I loved the idea of working in a collective yet independent manner, to produce unique and individual books based on a a theme - a poem that was common to the participants - and to gather around me  a collection of these works. How special!

I have really enjoyed the collaborative nature of the group, the sharing and the support along the way. It's always good to know you're not alone when it comes to the struggles of creativity and I must say I am keen to go again!

I am hoping that by now, Australia Post has done its thing and dutifully delivered to those amongst us in Australia, and that others have transported them across the waters to Canada and New Zealand, so it is OK for me to show the whole shebang without ruining any surprises for anyone!

The mention of New Zealand reminds me that one thing I love in particular about this edition is that a copy of each book is also going to the author (in my case Claire Beynon in NZ). I think it would be quite interesting (and rather lovely) to receive artists' interpretations of your work...

So here it is, 1/18, each and every page...

I think that's image overload, so will keep any talk about the book and my interpretation to another day. I hope you enjoy it - I am happy to have made it (and it's 17 siblings...)


  1. What a wonderful thing to be a part of Fiona. The book has all your hallmarks - excellent calligraphic marks, great understanding and a professional finish. Shall look forward to reading the why's and wherefore's next. Lucky people being on the receiving end of these lovely books.

  2. Snap! I've just posted a how-I-arrived-at-this over on our BAO blog.
    Yours is exquisite, Fiona and I am very proud and honoured to have a Dempster piece in my collection. Thankyou.

  3. I just love the first poem and the gorgeous origami envelope that holds it.

  4. How wonderful! I love the poem and your interpretation of it.

  5. It's been great having you as part of BOA, Fiona, and I hope you'll stay part of it and make more books in future editions! Loved your book - sorry, I've been rather slack about posting about the books I have received recently but yours arrived safely and it's lovely. Sara x

  6. Fiona, it's SO beautiful! The folded poem is very intriguing.

  7. A marvellous project requiring skills, patience, and talent... all of which you have in abundance Fiona. Very impressive.

  8. Thank you Lesley - you are most kind!

    Snap Dinah, I picked yours up from the po box on Friday - really made me smile, thanks!

    Annie and Jennifer - thank you both, and the poem is lovely isn't it?

    Thanks Sara - I think you've had a bit on! It has been such a delight to participate, thank you and I'm glad my book arrived safely.

    Jane and Anna - thanks, I liked the folded poem in the folded envelope bit too!

    Jo - many thanks, it took a while, but I got there, phew!

  9. Fiona, this is a wonderful creation, no overload here, I could have seen more images easily! Such simple elegance, such whimsy and wisdom. Love it. Congratulations!

  10. Hi Abigail, I'm really looking forward to seeing your final book as well! Shame we can't all do all of them isn't it?

    G/TT so glad you weren't overloaded with the images, it's a gentle little book, and I am pleased with it.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.