
Monday, August 22, 2011

Creative Spaces - Open Studios III

Well, what an amazing weekend!

Saturday dawned warm and bright and after getting Barry down to set up the art4place placemaking art event in town and back, we settled in to meet and greet, show and demonstrate.

We had about 60 visitors each day, and everybody was friendly, interested and inolved. People wanted to know what we did, why we did it, how we did it. Cups of tea and coffee and biscuits were offered and people gathered around to watch Barry beat metal and fold-form leaves.

I did some monoprints, some stitching and some calligraphy; but there wasn't much time to pursue a single project and just have people watching you - we were talking about all the different aspects and elements of our art, and luckily hopping up and down to make sales!

As we had hoped, the pebbles and inspirations were a big hit and we both need to make more before next weekend. Barry's bowls and leaves and feathers all featured and a couple of my monoprint journals sold as well.

We got lots of lovely comments in our visitors book and lots of people interested in coming back for classes and workshops, so we'll be having a think about how we can do things...

We were amazed that people kept on coming on Sunday - the weather turned a bit foul and there was rain and mist and wind...but we love that folk persevered and came along and met us, shared our space and engaged with our work.  Here's to next weekend!

And thanks to Noela for taking the top two shots - we never got the chance to pick up a camera and snap - in fact we missed lunch all together on Saturday and worked out we had two breaks on Sunday - one for 5 minutes and one for ten!


  1. oh wow!! that sounds GREAT! i am glad you and B had a real good open studio weekend ... 60 people a day! gosh ... how do you even handle so many?? here's to another successful weekend coming :)

  2. Oh that is wonderful news Fiona! It makes it all worthwhile and I knew your small pieces would be a sell out!

  3. Oh how I love seeing your space, you in action, feel as if I were one of your open studio visitors!!!
    Wish next weekend brings as much joy to many more lucky visitors...

  4. Congratulations to you both! Its exciting that art was so compelling to so many people!

  5. Not at all surprised the first weekend was a success. Sounds like you'd better get a production line going to prepare for the success of the next one Fiona!

  6. I was delighted to be able to visit. Great space!... and I love the location. For my weekend workshop I had 'breathe art now' on my table for inspiration. It worked!!!

  7. sounds like a good time was had by all

  8. Ah, would that Maleny were a little closer...
    Pleased you had a positive response and a happy time.

  9. Fiona, so happy the first weekend was such a great success for both of you! I'm jealous of everyone who had the privilege of seeing your work and its creators in their workspace! Even better that this success will continue on and translate into other activities and creations. Best of luck for Part Two!

  10. Luthien -thanks! We had a blast really, tired, but happy by the end of it. We both seemed to talk and talk and talk all day!

    Thanks so much Robyn - we did discover how enjoyable it could be, and it was nice to sell some bits as well.

    Hi Anna - we hope to get some more action shots and crowd shots this weekend; I think I'll need to attach my camera to my belt or something to remind me to use it!

    Leslie- it was wonderful to see how many folk were intrigued and interested and just happy to look and ask a few questions (or just get told anyway if I was on a roll!)

    Hi Lesley - thanks so much; I've been writing on pebbles this afternoon in fact! I think I'll demonstrate that on the day as well now - it looks so funny when I do it.

    Jo - so cool that you could use those inspirations for your workshop (which looks like it was fabulous fun) - thanks for dropping in and for buying some bits, most appreciated!

    Hi Ronnie - it seems pretty much that way...we enjoyed it and most folk seemed to as well!

    Dinah - yes it would be great to do a great big studio trail wouldn't it - across borders, oceans, countries...

    G/TT - It was a great opportunity to connect with lots of people and to show our work to folk who would never otherwise get to see it. Some great connections have been made, and we will be following up with a few new opportunities we hope. In the end, we just loved seeing people really happy to take a piece of our stuff home - something that felt special to them...thanks, go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.