
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dark beauty

I don't often get very dark for which I am thankful.

And I don't often stop to think about the beauty that lies within the shadows, the darker tones of the world that I pass through daily. I think I'm an optimist - not Pollyannish - I tend to see more the sun than the shadow kind thing.

When I mostly think of beaches I think of brightness, blue, searing gold and yellow... and yet on our recent trip the beach we visited most was closely connected to dark rocks and dark sands.

I found it beautiful to behold so much black in nature; and quite the contradiction to find so much dark at the beach. I wandered around merrily looking at the dark, where it joined the light, marvelling at the blackness of the black.

Here are some images of the dark beach beauty...

Sand on a black rock...

Black rocks at the base of the cliff...

Black pebble on the beach...

Early morning beach...


  1. These are so beautiful Fiona. What a wonderful beach. All that contrast. All those patterns in nature. What amazing photos.

  2. Darkness does have its own beauty, so true. These are wonderful images, Fiona, how amazing it must have been to behold them in person! Many thanks for sharing.

  3. Stunning. The first image is like a painting!

  4. How breathtakingly beautiful is nature!! . . and with an "eye" to capture it!

  5. You don't miss much Fiona. Love to see the results of your creative 'eye'.

  6. what incredible patterns that black sand makes... gorgeous!

  7. Thanks Lesley - I was utterly intrigued by its difference and so many lovely swirls...

    G/TT - There is a lot of beauty to be found in the darkness I think; and the gentle movement of the sands and the contrasts just worked. Glad you like them!

    Leslie - thanks! It's a beautiful thing.

    Jann - thank you; its funny the things we see isn't it? Not always the obvious.

    Thanks Jo - I sometimes wonder how much I miss; but its magic when you suddenly see the different bits...

    Hi Ronnie - the sort of effortless marks that we sometimes struggle to create; just presented for us...they are such lovely forms, drifting thru...

  8. just beautiful...another edge, with black.

  9. Velma - so true - it's the edges isn't it?

  10. Great photos and in that first one the water looks like cellophane paper....

  11. Alison - thanks; so true; it takes on such a different nature.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.