
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lineal book completed

Despite a trip to Brisbane for happy Engagement Party on Saturday night I found time to make the final book that I posted about last week.

I was able to recall all the little things I wanted to do in the final piece (notes in journal helped) and I merrily set off to make it. It all worked out fine and with no dramas. But interestingly, because I was trying to follow the pattern, the idea I had created last week it wasn't nearly as much fun!

Even tho the final piece has all the same features of the trial piece - and is actually an improvement on the model - there just wasn't that buzz as I went about it. I figure NOTHING can replace that high, that sense of magic that accompanies those moments where the work is leading. Its definitely not the same when the work is following - even tho the product is better! I think that means I will continue to seek out those moments; those little epiphanies...

I really like this end-on shot of the book, with the rusted scrolls acting as ties.

©2011 Fiona Dempster Lineal (end-shot)
Here is a shot of the book open - you can see the weaving and the way I hand stitched around the edges, to enclose the scrolls and make it sturdy.

©2011 Fiona Dempster Lineal (open)
And here it is wrapped up. The colours aren't great here - the paper is strong and deep turquoisy green with dark mottling and a waxy feel. It looks strong and bold.

©2011 Fiona Dempster Lineal (closed)
This little book is now ready to join the others in preparation for our exhibition "Light and Lines" opening at Hand Held gallery in Melbourne on Thursday 6 October. I managed to make significant progress on three other books as well so I am nearly there...

Now THAT is exciting!


  1. I also like the first image. It's a good photograph! Preparing for exhibitions can be quite exhausting but you seem to manage very well and it must help that you and Barry can support each other.

  2. Great images Fiona. You have such amazing productivity and focus. I am so envious of your passion for you make. That exhibition is going to be a stunner! Lesley

  3. Nice to see the finished piece Fiona, beautiful work. It would be so nice to live in that buzz of magical creation, such a great space to be in when it presents itself!

  4. Fiona this looks amazing and hope all goes well.

  5. Robyn - it's ultra mysterious that shot I reckon! Its hard to find the balance between the push - having to have work ready in time and allowing the flow to be in the work. As you say having a partner who understands and supports is really important to me.

    Thank you Lesley for your very kind words. I'm not quite sure where the focus comes from - but I do love a list and nearly always work back from when things are due...and I also get bored easily so multi task a lot, inching things forward. Thanks for your good wishes as well - fingers crossed.

    Thanks Kim - it is looking OK I think. I agree imagine life in that buzz all the time - I would seriously just drift about the place beaming with pleasure!

    Alison - thank you so much. I wish I could photograph better to better reflect its colour and the sense of it; but that's a whole other lot of learning, altho I do like that top shot!

  6. That piece is crying out to be touched...imaginative and VERY tactile. I look forward to images of the show in Melbourne... break a leg.

  7. Brava! So fun to follow this beautiful piece through its beginnings to its spectacular completion and also hear of your ups and downs with its creation. What an amazing work for someone to eventually possess, with such a life of its own! It will have to be a special buyer indeed!

  8. i really wish i could "see" it. while the photos are good, i can't "read" them the way i want to. the contrasts intrigue me.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.