
Sunday, January 29, 2012

You never know your luck...

In the big city!  We are having a wonderful time in New York, seeing so much and experiencing some very mild winter weather. But today was special; because not only did we go to the Museum of Art and Design - we went with Jennifer.

I felt lucky that we were able to connect - she came down from Connecticut and together we enjoyed a couple of exhibitions at the gallery and an open studio there as well.  It was a great reminder of how wonderful the world of blog is, as however else would we have 'met' and then been able to 'meet'?

We had coffee, we wandered, we chatted, we photographed, we had lunch and then we walked together thru the streets of NYC until our paths took us our separate ways.  Just special.

Necklace by Janna Syvanoja - used telephone directories
Fragment - Co-Twisted by Ishida  Tomoko
Fiona & Jennifer, photo by Barry
We have seen many sights and heard many sounds and here are just a few of the sightseeing variety...

Barry at The Cloisters
Winter on the High Line
Statue of Liberty - shrouded in mist
911 Memorial - a well of tears
New York Public Library


  1. Fiona you are going to all the right places! Cloisters is VERY special, and the high line is just a marvelous (new/old) site in this magical city... MAD is one of my favourite museums and now I am imagining visiting with you these wonders that only New York offers...

  2. sounds like you are having an absolutely wonderful time! you are getting to so many great places - do you know i have always lived within an hour of the city and the cloisters are still on my wish list? so glad you got there...

  3. Looks wonderful Fiona, thanks for sharing your holiday photos - enjoy!

  4. I musta gone to sleep - I had no idea you were so far away! but given how wet Q is right now - its probably a good time to be far far away!

  5. NYC Looks amazing and your (and Barry's) photo's are amazing.
    What a treat to be able to meet up with a blog friend so far away!

  6. Fabulous photos! Wishing you lot of memorable moments while in NY.

  7. WONDERFUL post - great images and special connections - what a joy your trip seems to be. Love from soggy home xoxoxox

  8. What a trip you are having. Such beautiful beautiful photographs too. How lovely to see NY though your eyes Fiona.

  9. Great to hear you're having such a good time. Wow - enjoy every minute.

  10. The telephone directory necklace intrigues me. I can see you are having a wonderful time and what fun to meet a fellow blogger in person. Enjoy!

  11. Yesterday truly was a special day. Thank you for including me in it!

  12. Looks like you are having a fine time Fiona!!! You look so happy and relaxed and thank you for introducing me to Jennifer....even as you get to meet up in person, I'm just meeting her to follow her great blog!
    Continue to enjoy every minute and soak it all in...glad the weather is cooperating! Cheers!

  13. It's true what Anna says - you are definitely (and enviably!) hitting all the right spots in the city. MAD is also one of my favorites, and it made me so happy to think of your being able to see some of the treasures there, especially those made of unlikely materials, which you and Barry know and love so well! NYPL...The Cloisters...wonderful places with great memories for me and for any who walk there! Enjoy, enjoy...

  14. SOME people! Looks like you are experiencing the best NY has to offer. Don't hurry back, but bring more fabulous photos when you come.

  15. How absolutely wonderful! NYC has an energy like no other place on earth (that I have so far experienced) - one of a kind. Your image of the statue of liberty is incredible! Thank you for sharing.. :)

  16. Dear all - thanks for all the good wishes and vibes. We truly are grateful for the chance to be here and to be able to connect with friends we've never 'met' till now. There are so many interesting places and glimpses and fragments...

  17. Sounds absolutely wonderful Fiona, You Barry, New York City, MAd, The Cloisters meeting up with Jennifer and not to much winter to deal with. A perfect time, thanks for taking us along for the ride.

  18. Thanks Liz and Velma - lovely lovely indeed!

  19. Ah! I hope you and Barry continue to have a wonderful experience while in NYC. Lovely captures, Fiona!

  20. Thank you Jane - we did; and the memories will linger long.


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