
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Visiting in Vermont

We have returned from a wonderful time visiting Gabriella and Brian in Vermont. Whilst we were on the East Coast we thought it would be a great chance to catch up with these two talented artists from our blogging world.  Originally we thought they might be in Boston, but in the end, we were lucky that by the time we got here they had moved to Vermont! So we did a trip on Amtrak and enjoyed their hospitality for a couple of nights as we got to see a bit of beautiful Vermont. We think we'll have to go back some day...

We visited the Southern Vermont Arts Centre and experienced some cold brisk weather. It has been unseasonably warm and snow-free for a lot of places here and folk are missing their snow. Nonetheless I have really been enjoying the dried grasses and the bare trees - lots of beauty in their skeletal forms and the soft browns and beiges.

But overnight, our talented hosts turned on a snow fall for us and we woke to the magic of fresh snow sprinkled across the pretty town. I must say I was totally excited and grinning like a kid; I just still find snow so gorgeous!

It has been a very special part of our trip to be able to touch base with folk we know in blog-land; and to meet and share in person.  There is something remarkable about meeting in the real world - and just getting on so well and so easily...

We were extra lucky that Gabriella and Brian welcomed us into their home (and after all, we could have been axe-murderers...) and were so generous with their time and hospitality.  And then of course, they can conjure up snow as well!

We are back in New York now for our final fling - and looking forward to more art and more catch ups before heading home and back to real life.


  1. Snow is so very lovely to look at but so very very cold.
    x te

  2. ~it seems this adventure has had much in store for you and many memories you have and will savor always i am sure...what a joy to have the chance to meet your friends in the real world and be gifted time to know them is the best!!! may your journey continue to fill your spirit with great well and much love light and blessings~

  3. How great that they got the snow to arrive!! Enjoy!!

  4. Thanks F! For the record, the snow we "conjured" is gone - but the memories of our visit with you and Barry will linger far longer!

  5. Fiona,

    I am grateful that the universe has smiled on us in so many ways! Yes, the mantra of "snow, snow, snow" paid off for us all, and it help cap off a perfect visit.

    The photos turned out beautiful as well!

    Thank you!

  6. Well, look at that!!! It's quite a vision to see my blogging friends from two different parts of the planet joined in real-life in real time!!! How wonderful you got meet and share in the lovely snowfall! Enjoy the rest of your trip you two!!

  7. What a treat for you... tho' you do seaem to like the cold. Brrrr. Go back in autumn!

  8. Yes Trace I agree, after the excitement settles I realise how cold I am!

    Brandi thank you, a special trip indeed. And we got snow!

    Annie - the talents of poets I say. all pretty special I'd have to say.

    G/TT - thank you for many things least of all that conjuring. Sad that it is gone so soon; but I think there might be some on it's way, fingers crossed.

    Brian - the stars aligned did they not? We were fortunate and we realise how special it was. The memories will last longer than the snow for sure.

    V - definitely YAY and yippee!!!

    Patti - a bit surreal isn't it? Across the miles, the oceans and the plains we connected in real time. And then there was snow! We have had a wonderful trip and hope we get back.

    Jo - now that's a plan! We have been really lucky with the mild weather much colder than home but not as screechy cold as it would usually be. Looking forward to home nonetheless. Go well F

  9. It sounds as though you had a wonderful time and saw many artful things, both from people and the land and her weathers. How wonderful!

  10. Hi Fiona, beautiful images, I gotta say I love the leg shot, and the thought of connecting with fellow bloggers in real time is something special!

  11. Thank you Tammie Lee - a special time in many ways.

    Hi Kim - great leg hey? Real time real people - can't get better than that!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.