
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Website re-vamp and a shop...

Barry and I have been beavering away here and there, now and then, to try and update our websites. We like the idea that they are a place where people can see the best of our work, and get a real sense of who we are and what we do.

We haven't been particularly good at the updating thing we realise, but in the past few weeks have spent many hours uploading new photos, re-arranging the 'portfolios' of work and generally freshening things up.

What has been really good about doing this, is that we are now both quite comfortable and familiar with the software.  I think one of the things that kept us from updating was that we weren't all that confident; so we didn't, and we didn't keep improving our skills so we could feel more confident...and so the silly cycle went on.

But now we both feel confident to go in and do a quick tweak or add another image and that feels good. Almost as comfortable as blogging!

Another nice thing about talking about the website and what would go on it, was that it really clarified for us who we are and what we do.  What are we known for? Where are our passions? How does our work come together in a  group or collection?  We talked as we drove to Goondiwindi and back (twice), we talked on our morning walks, and we talked over a glass of red at the end of the day.  It was a really helpful process to clarify things.

So please pop on over to my website either here or through the link on the sidebar and see what you think. Barry's website can be viewed here.

The other item of associated news is that we have been working with a friend of a friend to develop an online shop each as part of our websites where people could buy some of our work, and we are thrilled to say we are finally live!

This will of course be a work in progress - what sort of things, what sort of prices etc, but its an important step for us and we look forward to seeing where it leads. If you ever see something that you like and it's not in the shop to speak, we now also have the capacity to make sales and receive money using paypal, so we can always explore options.

My shop can be found on my website here, and some of Barry's beautiful pieces can be found for sale in his shop here.

Phew! Time for a little lie-down I think, or maybe a glass of bubbles...


  1. fantastic webbysite F - I particularly like how nicely the shop seems to work..... and your art statement is a winner :~)

  2. Congratulations on the website revamp! I'd say a glass of bubbles is in order. It's a gorgeous site. The opening slide show had me salivating...a dangerous thing to do while poised over a keyboard, nose nearly touching the screen in an attempt to get an even closer look.

    Toasting you with my cup of mint tea...bit too early for bubbles over here just now.

  3. Thanks you so much Ronnie - and I'm glad you spotted the Artist Statement! It will no doubt change again, but this is more heart speak than art speak. The shop seems to work OK - we tested it and all was good.

    Hi J - a return toast to you! Thanks for your support and comments - so glad you liked it.

  4. Congrats on the new shop and revamped site! Everything looks great and I'm glad you and B got over the hurdle of becoming confident with the software - these things always loom way larger than they really are! I can't believe some of the techie tweakings that are now second nature to me that at first had me in a cold sweat - or a baffled rage! All the best to you both - now off to check out B's site!

  5. Congratulations, it looks amazing! I'm trying to tweak mine at the moment and I know how demanding it can be. Well done!

  6. It's a happy feeling when weeks - or months - of contemplating/experimenting/adjusting finally come together. Your website looks wonderful, and I love how your shop is so beautifully integrated within. Complimenti (the Italian way of saying "well done")!

  7. Congratulations on getting the shop up and running Fiona. Hope it is a great success. The website is awesome!

  8. I'll add my congratulations toll your others. Well done - the site looks fabulous and the shop exciting and very user friendly. You and Barry must be delighted x

  9. Fiona, these are great steps you're making here and I'm going straight over to the website for a good gander. Good luck with the shop too. Exciting times!

  10. Congratulations on a beautiful website and shop, Fiona. Your work is amazing and the photography is excellent. I love "My journey is my way home" and your metal books. Seeking Solitude tugs at my heart strings. Just beautiful!

  11. Looks great Fiona!! It's a hurdle, learning all the technology, but you've made an elegant site....good luck with the shop!!!

  12. Thanks G/TT - I know that feeling of success when you realise YOU have actually fixed the website! I am in awe of my new self sometimes - would never have thought it possible in the past.

    Thank you Suzie - I've just caught up on your blog posts - and am pleased things are on the mend; feel a bit like kindred spirit re watching husbands get seriously damaged at the moment. Will be in touch.

    Grazie mille Lisa! I like the integration of the shop too - nice and easy, and easy on the eye.

    Thanks Jo - I smile a bit when I think we did these websites.

    Thank you Susan - it's nice to have something that works for us and others; and that didn't cost the earth.

    Oh thank you Lesley - I'm not sure how big it will be; but I'm happy that they show my work as I want it to be seen and known and understood. For now at least!

    Robyn - thank you so much; I'm glad that the presentation works well and that the pieces can be heard across the miles.

    Many thanks Patti - who knows what happens next, I'm just happy to have become a wee bit skilled!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.