
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Real Food art

Our town is hosting the Real Food Festival again on 8 & 9 September 2012. Last year everyone was stunned and thrilled when about 3000 appeared and wanted to explore and understand real food - food that comes from nearby, is organic, and carefully prepared. And of course, much more.

To coincide with the festival COMA is holding another one of its themed exhibitions at Maple 3 Cafe from 4 to 25 September. This time, the theme is "Food as art".

We were asked to work with 30cm x 30cm canvases (or to have framed work within those dimensions).  I bought a canvas and I tried a few things, but I don't know what it is about canvas, but I just freeze.  I can't think of anything that appeals, and everything I try is truly awful.

Barry suggested to just work on paper and get it framed to size. Suddenly I could think of dozens of things to try that felt quite nice and quite me.

So we began with rusted metal and an apple.

I took turns doing different things with it. Clearly I had to try tea...

And then I played with just embossing  the same shape (albeit reversed)

And then I tried the two together!

I am yet to work out which arrangement I shall use - there are four pieces at the framers for me to consider on their return.

I guess I could also just have framed the rusty apple couldn't I?


  1. i like your apple! i really like what you've done here.

  2. rusty apple, rusty apple, rusty apple

    1. So I should get the rusty apple framed maybe Ronnie?

  3. I so agree with Ronnie...rusty apple, rusty apple, rusty apple.

    So does the old adage of "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" apply to rusty apples too? Sorry had to ask. Brain is all wonky this morning.

    1. Hi J - I'm sure it does - helps build an iron constitution! Sorry no excuses except weariness for that terrible pun.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jo - are you entering this time round?

    2. Sadly no. Have not been home for a while, then some health problems. All resolved now but it's made me miss a few deadlines.

  5. Thanks bdg, it feels much more like me than the canvas ever would.

  6. I love the combination of the two (just a wee bit more than everything else).

    1. Thanks Ersi - they all have a bit of something going in their favour, and at different times I favour different ones.

  7. You would never do something like just frame the rusty apple because it wouldn't have enough of 'your hand' in it for you to be content with it. I love the effect of the tea and must find out how that's done but the pure crisp embossing makes me think of the crunchiness of apples and that does it for me.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence Lesley - tempting as it may be at times, I doubt I could do it either. Maybe just for me to have around in the studio and make me smile as a reminder. The crispness of the embossing is very reminiscent of a crunchy apple for sure!

  8. I agree with printed Material's commentsxxxx

    1. Thank you Lynda - its nice to know folk think I add something to it.

  9. mmmmmmm - also really love what you are doing here Fiona. Think it is important to find out what feels like you and if canvas doesn't, then paper obviously is the answer. Beautifully done with the rusty apple.

    1. Thanks Susan - it's strange but I almost have a physical response to canvas and can't think straight. Paper is so much more welcoming...


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.