
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rusty organisation

The world is full of serendipitous moments, and I have enjoyed seeing the beautiful rusty stashes that Susan and Jennifer have discovered of late.

It made me smile as I have been quietly organising my rusty bibs and bobs as we have tidied up around the block in preparation for the wedding that we hosted here on Saturday (yesterday). It was a beautiful celebration with lots of happy folk and much love.

As we were getting ready, we realised that a working artist's yard is not exactly what is needed for a wedding, so we felt the need to tidy up and with the Open Studios event not far away, getting organised also made sense.

So now over by the shed studio, I have this lovely old ladder, leaning against the wall with these beautifully organised bits of rust.  Now if only I can remember to put them back after I've used them...

Only other rust junkies or rust lusters would understand how nice it is to have your rusty bits all together and nearby!


  1. Is it possible to have rust envy?

    1. Oh Jac I do think so...I often feel that way staring at others' images of their rusty bits and wanting to get my hands on it. Sigh.

  2. Replies
    1. I wondered if that would translate or not Ersi - so thanks for getting it in more ways than one!

  3. Guess I'm a rust luster! Love your step ladder.

    1. Hi Annie - I think many of us are...funnily I keep gathering old ladders around me and just leave them leaning against walls and popping things on the 'shelves' - I do love them so.

  4. Replies
    1. A pretty funny, but apt, way of describing it I think Louise! Good to know we're all in it together.

  5. I am definitely another rust junky and your collection of rust truly gets me inspired. Thanks!

    1. Hi Seth - glad you enjoyed another stash of rusty bits; they are truly delightful aren't the? And I always love staring at others' stashes as well...

  6. Your rust collection renders me incapable of intelligent thought. All I can do is look at the screen and salivate {sounds much better than drool, doesn't it?}.

    1. Hi J - and these are just my bits; you should see B's!! I do think salivate is oh so much more cultured than the old drool - but I think drool also captures it pretty well!

    2. Fiona, I was so entranced by your beauties that Barry's treasures hadn't crossed my mind. To see the combined collection would have to be rust ectasy.

    3. Barry's pile is larger and chunkier all round than mine - not nearly as elegant! But he has some good stuff - I'll try and get him to post on it too.

  7. You are a true artist, you can even make rust look beautiful!

    1. Thanks Jane - I think it's great to be able to see the beauty in the old and worn...

  8. I am in rust envy! I have very little and not nearly as wonderful. I am hunting though :-).

    1. Hi Annie - its amazing what you can find when you start looking...and then people start giving it to you! I hope you enjoy your searching.

  9. It's bEen said before..."Rust Is the New Black"

  10. Tis .. a dangerous post ... Distance is the only thing that's stopping me from pulling a catwoman on your stash!! can i get any more envious??!!

    1. Sorry for the late reply Luthien - I laughed at this comment - it's that rust lust envy thing going on isn't it? I'm sure you'd enjoy a prowl around our place with all the rusty stashes...

  11. Those are some luscious rusty bits!!! You, Susan and Jennifer are going to turn me into a rust hound yet!!

    1. Yes delicious bits indeed Patty - who knows you may just find a home for rusty things in some of your's good to be open!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.