
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Thoughts...

“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” 

Thich Nhat Hanh

Sometimes I choose my Thursday Thoughts. And sometimes they choose me. Sometimes they make me smile, or grab me or dare me not to think about them. Sometimes they tell me a truth in away I hadn't perceived before. Sometimes they just say - listen to me, you need to think about this.

So no prizes for working out that right now, this is one of those quiet ones that says - listen and pay attention, and if you can, please do as I say.

Sometimes these quotes act as real reminders to me, they pull me up and make me realise I need to pay attention on some other level - not just a level of I like that or I'm intrigued, or that's funny; but that level where you think - there is a simple truth in here that I need to act upon.

I must admit that Thich Nhat Hanh is a bit of hero of mine - his approach to a peaceful way of life; of mindfulness and gentleness resonates. And this gentle reminder to smile, breathe and go slowly is perfect for me right now. I have said to several folk it feels as if the world is moving on fast forward at the moment - a wee bit faster than usual, and I am whirling and twirling and occasionally catching my breath. This is a gentle reminder to keep breathing, to keep smiling and to slow down.

Yes a lot is achieved by moving fast, but a lot is also missed. A lot can be gained by going slowly as well, and I feel as if I am moving into a phase where going slowly and savouring things is what I need.

I like that he includes smiling - it does make you feel better.

©2011 Fiona Dempster - Umbakumba Lagoon


  1. A beautiful post, Fiona, and, yes, I'm with you (and Thich Nhat Hanh) about both slowing and smiling!

    1. Thanks Valerianna - yes I think that could become a mantra - slowing and smiling, slowing and smiling, slowing and smiling....

  2. I could gaze into that lagoon all day! It's a perfect shot to match your quote today.

    1. Thanks Annie - me too. I was looking for a photo that felt right and I always end up there - Umbakumba lagoon. Just looking at it slows my hart and settles me. Which is interesting; because the time there was not easy...

  3. I am smiling and breathing right beside you... slowly.

    1. Thanks Ersi - smiling and breathing slowly across the miles...companionably.

  4. A peaceful image for a simple quote..... a great reminder :-)

    1. Hi Robyn - the more I think about it, the more I need simplicity, slowness, and not forgetting to breathe!

  5. I wonder if there is an emoticon for breathing?

  6. dear fiona, yes - the chaotic times do challenge us... our bodies and minds even reject them after a bit, we begin to feel uncomfortable... thich nhat hanh is someone i look up to as well - exiled from his home country because he opposed the war - he is a light for so many in his teachings and gentle manner... showing us the way to quiet the monkey mind that navigates this sometimes too busy world...
    i often hear the 'lightly' passage by aldous huxley for this same purpose...
    i have been contemplating how i wish to move through my time here, and i have come to believe that it is in a gentle and slow way - instead of surging forward, digging deeper... going forward an inch and down a foot,yard,mile?
    wishing you peace, many deep fulfilling breaths and so much love -

    1. Ah MJ - quieting the monkey mind is never an easy task is it? I like how you are choosing to move thru your time here - gently, slowly and no doubt smiling. Breathig is good too and quietly we shall move forward...go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.