
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Peace at Christmas

As we pause to celebrate, reflect, share and enjoy, I wanted to say thank you to all who have joined me in this blogging adventure and who so willingly share their thoughts and ideas and art and words.

I have enjoyed your company along the way so much, and have been greatly enriched by it.

I wish all my blogging companions across the world a peaceful, gentle and joyous time at Christmas, with many wishes for a happy, safe and creative new year.

Wherever you may be, and however you may spend the time - may you travel safe, enjoy the moments and celebrate life.

Imagine peace.


  1. Your day is probably winding down while ours is just beginning. Thank you for your companionship in this amazing world of art and blogging. Merry Christmas to you both!

    1. Merry Christmas and Boxing Day to you Robyn as well! Thank you for all you offer us thru the year - so much thoughtful inspiration. I do love the land of blog...

  2. Greetings from the sunny UK on Christmas Day, although I suspect our temperatures may be a few degrees below what you're enjoying Fiona! Returning your good wishes across the miles and like Robyn, I thank you for your comments and inspirations this year. It really is an amazing world when distance becomes immaterial and the shared experiences of the joy of making is the substance that binds us all together. Happy 2013 to you both!

    1. So happy to hear of a sunny Christmas Day in the UK Lesley! The land of blog is a special place and we are fortunate to be alive at this time. Thanks for participating along with me Lesley and for all that you share and delight us with as well!

  3. pause for peace - yes definitely --- may 2013 be a year of peace and happiness for all xxx

    1. Oh Ronnie I feel it deeply this year. May 2013 be all of that indeed, and may we all keep working on it in small and meaningful ways...Go well.

  4. You have been an inspiration to me over this year Fiona. Your quietness, focus, and support of the arts in general are to be admired. Have a safe and happy Christmas season.

    1. Hi Jo - such lovely words - thank you! Its wonderful the way the land of blog allows us all to play our part and to meet and connect with others...Best wishes to you over Christmas and wishing you both a bright new year.

  5. F-may we all help each other to imagine peace; and make it real a ripple at a time. B

    1. Dear B - yes little bits, small steps, we all need to help each other along the way.

  6. Fiona it is always a joy and insightful to visit your blog. Thank you for sharing it with us. This bloglife has been truly wonderful for me and you are part of that. Hope you and Barry have a wonderful Christmas! :) xox

  7. Thanks you for visiting and sharing as well Louise - the land of blog is indeed a special place and I love the ways in which we all kind of gather and have a chat - with mostly many many miles between us all. Best wishes to you for Christmas time - may 2013 be brighter and filled with joy and peace.

  8. imagining away here! thank you fiona.

  9. Let's keep on imagining V - we need it more and more. Best to you for a bright and wonderful 2013.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.