
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mucking about whilst it rains

We are once again in the midst of a heavy band of weather - much rain is falling into sodden earth and land is slipping and towns flooding again. We are doing OK up here on the mountain, but are not venturing out much at all.

So I am cleaning the kitchen and baking and making jam and pesto and occasionally mucking about in the studio.

Here are a few shots of bibs and bobs that have been happening over there.

This is a piece of soft cotton muslin I think that I rolled around rusty bits and sat in a pot of green tea and when I pulled it out decided it was a scarf! I love the soft muted colours and hints of goes well with grey rainy and misty days.

After the egg shell episode at Olive's workshop, I collected more eggshells and removed the membrane inside and crunched them onto black paper, then played with them a bit more. No idea where this is headed or for what purpose; but then again, I think that is the definition of 'play'.

And here are some black and white balsa wood-marked pieces. I try not to waste much - and often cut my scraps down into small pages for notebooks and the like.  They often sit around in piles waiting for me to do something with them - and the other day I grabbed a bundle and dipped my balsa wood in ink and made marks across them.

Beautifully graphic I thought, and then I added some red words. Again they now sit there whilst I wonder what to do with them, but they make me smile and are a reminder that some days, just doing something is all that you need.


  1. I like the black and white and red --- always have - always will

    ps - you can send some more of that wet stuff this way - happy to take some rain off your hands

    1. Hi Ronnie - you are more than welcome to this last little lot; we've had way too much! I often think, when in doubt Black White Red will get you there.

  2. eggshells and balsa wood! i love that. the words and their substrates are marvelous.

    1. A bit of fun it was Velma - and the words do look good against the background, thanks.

  3. Oh yes, black, white and red, a marriage made in heaven. Fabulous play Fiona.

    1. Hi Lesley - 'tis good to play and as you say, you almost can't go wrong with B,W R...Glad you enjoyed.

  4. Sounds nice to be tucked in, away from landslides and flooding, on the top of a mountain. Especially when one can still bake and can, and most epecially, explore in the studio!

    1. So true Valerianna - nice to be tucked up safely and doing household things and studio things. A good combo!. Go well.

  5. Love this rain time play..... Some nice results which will lead somewhere wonderful when they are ready.
    Thank you for the email. I will respond when we get back from the desert. xsx
    Ps - sounds very wet again .... Hope we havent washed down the hill.

    1. The rain makes it hard to play with paper and calligraphy proper, but this play has been fun - little bits here and there. So far we are still on the hill and I think you probably are too, lighter tonight but we are still expecting showers for another week. Sigh. Safe travels to the desert...F

  6. Your home must smell good from the baking and jam & pesto making! Sometimes it can be nice to have an 'excuse' to stay close to home doing such things - including experiments in the studio. How enticing your piles sound - and the red lettering that you added to the black & white scraps is will be fun to learn what becomes of them, in time (during another rainy spell somewhere down the road perhaps?).

    1. Hi Lisa - tonight the house smells of roasted coffee! Barry just roasted the next batch of our home-harvested coffee and it smells great. Today was roasting eggplants and tomatoes for dinner - so lots of nice smells again - with basil picked fresh from the garden, another delight. The red really lifts the black and white doesn't it, and it will probably take me quite a while as you suggest to work out what next with them...but there's no hurry. Go well.

  7. You have a magical touch Fiona! Your balsa pieces just came to life with the red calligraphy. Enjoy the kitchen and studio time - but I do hope the rain stops soon.

    1. Thanks Carol - glad you like the bright spot of red on the black and white balsa marks - they seem happy together. Yes, the domestic duties are well underway but we really could do with a little less rain! Go well.

  8. You might , or might not, know that some Asian art I saw in Vietnam was done using eggshells. Looks fab.

    1. hi Jo - I've seen lots of functional work in Vietnam that used eggshells - vases, trays etc, but not much art that I can recall! I do love the country - it's a great place to visit.

  9. ~i will never look at our abundance of eggs the love always says can't you do something creative them...we've only blown the first eggs of each girl that started laying...but you have awakened my mind to ponder thoughts of what one could do with an egg...despite the weather it seems you are staying in a comforting creative well and much love light and blessings~

    1. Hi Brandi - oh yes, eggshells probably have lots of possibilities. I have enjoyed my play - the surface is quite hard and firm, and I cut it with scissors no worries. Yes, it is nice to feel safe and warm when the weather is not so nice, and good to get the odd creative moment as well!

  10. "Mucking about..." Yes, with emphasis on mucking! I skinned my knuckles clearing a drain so that was the end of paper work til the fingers stopped bleeding.
    But the smell of lasagne should overpower the smell of a soggy, muddy yard.

    1. Mucking about indeed Di! I'm sorry you've had the amount you've had as well - we are feeling as if we'll be growing webbed feet soon, altho B did get out to whipper snip for an hour or so this afternoon when it broke briefly. Clearing drains is an occupational hazard isn't it -and usually in the midst of a downpour if you're us. We tried to mend a broken pipe just before a cloudburst - of course. hope knuckles heal swiftly and well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.