
Sunday, March 31, 2013

A couple of weeks' worth of good news

It all seems a bit mad and round about or back to front, but first of all I don't seem particularly good at talking about my good news when it arrives. I keep it quiet, smile to myself tell one or two folk how excited I am. It  feels a bit weird to just do a blog post on it, so I leave it go quiet. And then I have the good fortune to get a bit more and I end up blurting it all out at once.  Which then probably sounds really weird as well. Apologies.

Anyhow I'll let you all know my latest bits of happy good news:

First of all a little while back I learnt that two of my books will feature in Lark Books' 500 Handmade Books Vol 2. I was, to put it politely, gobsmacked and really didn't think I'd read the email properly. Which I hadn't because I thought there was only one, and on second or third reading I realised there were two acceptances!  So "The Unbearable Whiteness..." and "A Subversive Stitch" will appear when the book is published in September this year.

©2013 Fiona Dempster - The Unbearable Whiteness...
©2013 Fiona Dempster - A Subversive Stitch
This is what the cover will look like so you can keep your eyes peeled and snap it up on release!

Secondly, that little book that just keeps on giving "A Subversive Stitch" has been bought by the State Library of Queensland to go in their collection - so I am thrilled to also have it in a collection here at home.

Thirdly, I was notified last week that I am a finalist in the Libris Artists' Book Awards. My recent book "Peace mends the world" was accepted for the Awards show.

©2013 Fiona Dempster - Peace mends the world
And finally, over the weekend, my little piece "Flight" was sold at the Printmaker's exhibition here in town!
©2013 Fiona Dempster - Flight
And so was one of Barry's "Lone Tree". A lovely piece.

So... quite a pile of happy delightedness. I might need to go and have good lie down to recover from the excitement of it all. Thanks for bearing with me.


  1. many congratulations to both of you!

  2. Congratulations, I'm so pleased for you

  3. Congratulations! That's some news...all of it. Don't know how you managed to keep it to yourself. Happy dancing over here for you!

    1. Thanks J - yay! I'm hopeless really, sitting on it, thinking about it, not so good at sharing it...still it is most excitement to join in the inter-continetal happy dances!

  4. Delightful news, all of it, and well deserved.

    1. Olga - thank you so much - it was all delightful, you're right!

  5. Congratulations. You deserve all your accolades. Your work is outstanding and so well crafted.

    1. Thank you Roberta that is very kind. It is all a bit hard to ponder coming all at once as it has!

  6. Great news, Fiona! I've always loved "A Subversive Stitch", glad its getting good attention, well and a new home.

    1. Thanks Valerianna - it is a favourite of mine as well, and it is certainly a generous wee book.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Anna - it's nice to share good news with friends.

  8. Congrats on all the good news. I look forward to Lark's second book in the series.

    1. Thanks Connie - it has all been great. I'm looking forward to the book as well; they are such great books to go thru time and again.

  9. Heaps of praise. All of it well deserved. I'm pre-ordering that book! Congratulations on it all.

    1. Thanks for the support and kind words Lesley - A good idea to pre-order! Must admit it is all a bit exciting.

  10. Congratulations Fiona - what lovely news and well deserved

    1. Thank you kindly Gina - all a bit unexpected, but all most welcome!

  11. oh this is a great post Fiona, congratulations to both of you, what a dynamic duo!

    1. Thanks so much for your enthusiasm and support Mo Crow! It was fine news indeed, still smiling in fact. Just who is batman and who is robin is now the challenge...

  12. Wonderful cornucopia of delights for you Fiona. Bought for a major public collection is not to be sneezed at....congratulations!

    1. Thanks Jo - it is quite the mixed bag indeed! As I was sending the last couple of books to the US for their collections; I did think maybe I should approach some closer to home!

  13. Congratulations, Fiona! I think some just need to let good news sink in a little first before sharing it with others - sometimes it's nice to savor quietly for a bit first. But it's also good to celebrate good news, and let others share with you. How wonderful that more of your beautiful & thoughtful work is being recognized, and that more people will now be able to experience it...

    1. Hi Lisa - I think you have it right about the quiet little time where it sinks in. But it has been nice to share and celebrate with 'my tribe' around the world - I have so much appreciated the shared happiness. Go well.

  14. Now that is really a lot of good news! I'm so thrilled for you Fiona - if anyone deserves success it's you - and of course the same goes for Barry. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much Carol - it was a lovely bunch of news to receive and for us both to sell a piece over the weekend as well - just chuffed! Go well.

  15. huge congratulations to you fiona and barry, too. sometimes when it rains, it pours POSITIVELY! this is great!

    1. Hi V - it is good to get a rainshower of good news isn't it? It felt great and a bit overwhelming at times; but all up pretty darn fine! Thanks for the wishes.

  16. Congratulations Fiona, it's wonderful to hear so much good news - you must be thrilled.

    1. Thanks Helen - there are many wry smiles still and the odd moment of pinching myself. It was all a bit of a blurt, but then, that's me I guess! I join you in many of these newsworthy bits so that is nice.

  17. I feel like doing the happy dance in celebration. Wow X 4! Congratulations Fiona!!!!

    1. Oh yay Robyn - we are doing inter-contiental happy dances now!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.