
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday Thoughts...

"Naked I came into the world, but brush strokes cover me, language raises me, music rhythms me. Art is my rod and staff, my resting place and shield, and not mine only, for art leaves nobody out. Even those from whom art has been stolen away by tyranny, by poverty, begin to make it again. If the arts did not exist, at every moment, someone would begin to create them, in song, out of dust and mud, and although the artifacts might be destroyed, the energy that creates them is not destroyed." 

Jeanette Winterson

What a wonderful way in which to consider the arts - the music, words, images and pieces we respond to and participate in the making of. A celebration and a cry for freedom all at once. A validation of our heart's desire.

In this quote I think Jeanette Winterson captures the integral role that art can play in one person's life - how it nurtures, supports, protects and sustains; as well as the value of the arts to the world and the broader community.

It is a comforting thought to me, that the heartbeat of art continues to beat, that art will be created, will re-emerge, will be a constant in the world despite the darkness we sometimes face. That the drive to create and express and share that story will remain a part of being human.

Ben Quilty's 2011 Archibald prize painting of Margaret Olley.   We saw it in Sydney recently and I have to say the image sprang to mind with Jeanette Winterson's words "but brush strokes cover me..."


  1. how intriguing that you saw this recently just as I saw this only last week -- I was taken by the juxtaposition of quilty's portrait of olly next to dobell's (I preferred dobells i must say - but that's probably because I'm not a quilty fan... but this IS one of quilty's best works..... he just annoys the bejeezelbubs outta me!).... so I'm thinking of all the similar examples of 'poserism as art' that currently dominate the art-schmart world when contemplating those lines by winterson..... hmmmmmmmmm..... food for thought....

    1. Hi Ronnie - I loved the juxtapositioning of those two paintings as well; but must admit I have always enjoyed this painting; she looks impish! I'll try not to think too often or spend too much time pondering the art-schmart world; I'll just keep my head down and do what I do.

  2. Thinking a lot about that quote... and beautiful painting!!

    1. Thanks Valerianna - I think the quote is comforting in a way... and I enjoy those thick brush strokes. Go well.

  3. incredibly profound -
    i agree that it is really about the process and the energy - i often begin to feel as though i am vibrating when there is something that wants to come forth... and when you begin, there is no stopping...
    this is beautiful, fiona - thank you for sharing these words and this image for me to carry around and savor today -

    1. Powerful isn't it MJ? The quote and the experience...hope it was a fine companion in your day.

  4. Fiona,
    I have read about Margaret Otley before so at least know who she is but the artist is unknown to me. Reading Ronnie's comments I guess he is well known in Australia so I must look him up and fill my knowledge gap. It is an arresting painting to accompany an arresting quote.

    1. Hi Lesley - Margaret Olley was an amazing woman and Ben Quilty is a young ish artist with a definitive style. I like this painting and I love the quote - somehow Jeanette Winterson often discovers and describes real truths so sharply and incisively. Thanks too for your interest in Australian artists!

  5. I love Ben Quilty's work, I have never seen anyone lay paint on so thickly yet sparingly.

    1. I really like this painting and agree about the thickness of paint strokes, yet spareness of line...Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.