
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Playing around with barbed wire

I am thinking ahead a lot at the moment, planning ahead, getting ready, making preparations.  It might all sound dull and ordinary, but I am actually finding it gives me lots of opportunities and reasons to go make stuff and play.

Each day I head to the studio with my head buzzing with thoughts and ideas and plans and options and I am enjoying myself immensely.

This weekend was an example - one day drizzle, rain and mizzle and another pure sunshine delight - so I went over to do a range of things - indoor one day, outdoor the next.

Here are some of the bibs and bobs I got around to with barbed wire in mind...

Quick pen and ink...



Rusty old barbed wire into wood...

All good fun!


  1. Big old huge sigh of amazement....

    1. Oh wow - I almost heard the sigh from here J - thanks so much!

  2. Oh these are so beautiful - ethereal, ghostly and understated - wonderful!

    1. Thanks Charlton - little memories aren't they in a way? Like something you knew which has gone away, but you recall it...

  3. I love the idea of embossed barbed wire. It softens it and yet it is still barbed wire. Nice work as usual.

    1. Thanks Roberta - you can still get the sense of barbed wireness very much can't you? Yet it has definitely softened. I like it this way...glad you enjoyed!

  4. I like how barbed wire is almost language in your drawing! De-bossing... using the piece that you cut the embossing pieces out of?

    1. Mmmmmm yes Valerianna - like magic markings, a foreign language of symbols indecipherable. De bossing is exactly that, pushing that piece into the paper rather than the paper into the empty bit. I like how sharp it is...

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Anna - sometimes if I sit and don't think, just do it , then I can make marks I am happy with. I think you can tell this is barbed wire...

  6. I felt as if I was with you in the studio following your ideas - lovely post - thank you

    1. Glad you enjoyed your studio visit Rosie! Please visit again sometime...Go well.

  7. you make something harsh into something not just ordinary, but rather extraordinary... :)

  8. Hi Louise - it does go just a little bit dreamy doesn't it? Go well.

  9. Barbed wire patterns... so simple but very effective. Love the de-bossing image.

    1. Hi Robyn - me too! They could be songs or birds on a wire or....

  10. De-bossing, embossing! Who would think that the two could be so complementary! I just love barbed wire at any time, which I used to fear was a bit weird, but now I know it's just fine, thanks to you and some other wonderful bloggers. Somewhere, maybe in New Zealand, I came across a barbed wire museum exhibit and I was entranced. Fiona, your pen and ink barbed wire is elegant and beautiful, just like the real thing.

    1. So glad you've become friends with barbed wire Carol! I find it beautiful and fascinating and elegant in a way. Wow - a whole barbed wire museum that would be something else for sure! Glad you enjoyed my 'takes' on it...go well.

  11. ~i had never heard of de~bossing!!! do you think it would work on our wee littlest!?! each piece you shared sheds a new kind of light wonder and beauty to barbed wire...fascinating where you mind travels! much love light and blessings~

    1. Oh Brandi - I laughed at that! How to de-boss the littlest one. I think barbed wire has a certain spare beauty, and it was fun to explore it! As you say, where one's mind travels...

  12. I can't add anything that has not already been said. You remind me yet again about the beauty of looking at something close to hand with new eyes.

    1. Thank you Lesley - I do think there is something beautiful about seeing the barbed wire like that - and I love having little stashes of it here and there around the place, always makes me smile and wonder.

  13. such an elegant line in your inkwork Fiona

  14. Better late than never I hope Mo - thank you! I enjoyed the quick sketching.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.