
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rainbow peace

My ability to be distracted is virtually unparalleled I think, except perhaps by Barry's.  We are both guilty of heading off to do one thing and returning having done something entirely unrelated, often having totally forgotten the thing we intended to do.

The other morning - one of those stunning clear bright blue sky Autumn mornings, we were just sitting down in the office to discuss work-work and daily to-do lists.  I had my back to the window and was watching these amazing rainbows dance over my hands as I wrote. My finger was red and orange, then yellow, green, then blue, indigo and purple...

I was having trouble staying focused on the job at hand, and then I looked up and was gone for all money. All along the bottom of the wall in front of me were rainbows!  In Autumn and Winter the sun heads to the north and streams through our louvred windows, catching the bevelled edges of the louvres and making rainbows all over the place.

We stopped to watch them and I said, oh my, wouldn't my cut-out pages look great silhouetted against those rainbows? Shame we don't have time.  My partner in crime willingly said, you've got a few minutes before they disappear. So I upped and ran over to the shed/studio (literally) and ran back with my pages to date, and we played in the rainbows.

Each shot is taken on the angle because otherwise I would be in the shot as well, it was tricky enough trying to keep Barry's hand out of it!

I don't really understand the second reflection that appears in most of the shots. Barry is holding the trial page out from the wall, I am photographing the shadow of the page on the wall, and then something else appears. But oh my, they just make me smile.

I love how in this one the second reflection had picked up the 'i' - I believe peace.

Barry was totally into it by now and grabbed a 'peace' word given to us by my bestie Sue and tried that as well before the rainbows slipped from view.

And then it was back to work. Ho hum.


  1. These are so amazing!!! Such a wonderful moment of play and possibilities.

    1. Indeed Valerianna - we just seized the moment!

  2. perfect. stolen peace in the midst of work. perfect.

  3. Replies
    1. It was so much fun Julie - a worthy diversion indeed.

  4. What a wonderful happy accident that doesn't need to be explained.

    1. So true Charlton, I didn't ponder for too long on how it was happening; just got into the love of it just happening!

  5. How delightful! These beautiful photos made my morning!

  6. Splendid! These photos are gorgeous. I'm going back for a second look!

    1. Enjoy J - it was one of those moments worth grabbing! And more crazy artist stuff for sure...

  7. oh wow... priceless!!! But bet i could compete for being best easily diverted :-)

    1. Happy to hear of other diversionists Suzi! So much fun, nothing lost in terms of work-work and much gained!

  8. Fiona- forgot to mention that you won the green Roy G Biv challenge fabric this month. If you could email me with your mailing address (, I'll get it off to you in the mail.--Julie

    1. Many thanks Julie - I will be in touch! How excitement!

  9. A woman after my own heart! I'd have done the same and grabbed the moment too. They are beautiful photos.... even with Barry's hand in them!

    1. Distraction for the sake of art and beauty - who could ignore the call!?!?! So happy to know you'd have raced off as well and played with the rainbows; life is too short not to right? Go well.

  10. I admit to playing with random rainbows cast on walls before, too, but never have I had such fantastic ones as these - and how perfect are the words you had on hand, which really underline the beauty of the rainbow colors...


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.