
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Celebrating Books!

We are celebrating books again this weekend in Maleny and as part of the Celebration we try to do a display of sorts at the Library. The Library is open over the weekend  and is hosting several activities - lots for children - and so it's a great opportunity to show more book-arty things.

Six of our fabulous local children's authors have put a display in the foyer cabinets which shows their storyboards, props and draft illustrations for their books. It looks great (but I don't have a photo yet sorry).

This year I got the wall.  So Plan A was to write out lots of quotes on torn out book pages. I planned to glue lots of old book pages to three large panels of mat board and then write some quotes about how fabulous books are over the top. Way back here in April, I even had the plan and was quite happy it would work. I worked out the size of the panels, pulled out all the pages, worked out the layout and the quotes...

Then a week or so ago it all went to custard when it became clear I couldn't purchase mat board in the sizes that I needed, and if we did a whole bunch of weird maybe this and maybe that options to get the right size I was still going to be out of pocket by nearly $200 which just seemed mad for a two week display in the Library... and the panels could still have fallen apart and I could have stuffed up the writing which would than have meant $200 down the drain.

Plan B, Plan B, does anybody have a Plan B?

In quiet panic mode I looked around the studio and wondered what one earth I could do to take up all that space.  I saw that I had a few folded books lying around and wondered what it would be like if I folded madly and then hung more books?

Barry figured it would work so I then sat and folded during every daylight hour it seemed... a slight exaggeration, but the pressure was on! I went into town and bought metres of coloured ribbon as well, worked out how we could hang them, discovered the Library didn't have enough hanging wire and hooks so raced to our framing shop and bought some more and yesterday we hung the installation.

Big breath out.

First we had to put all the hanging hooks in place and curl up all the extra wire. The books sat on the floor.

I kind of liked them in this random dangling formation...

But I do think they probably look better in this slightly more formal arrangement.

The different coloured ribbons seemed to feel like a celebration and I love how they looked in the end...

All in all, you just do what you have to do to celebrate books!


  1. Such a lot of work,but worth it. They look fantastic

    1. Thanks Jac - it was a fair bit of work in the end, but a good rescue effort I thought!

  2. These made me think of the Christmas trees made as kids using Readers Digests. After folding all the pages to mimic the shape of a Christmas tree, it would be sprayed green and glitter would added. Wonder if my little urchins would enjoy making these? Hmmmm.....

    1. I'm sure they would - and I guess it's almost that time again isn't it?!?! Some of these books are old Readers Digests...

    2. That's just too funny! Always thought Readers Digests were an American thing. Nice to know it's global.

  3. These look wonderful - fragile like Chinese lanterns with tantalising glimpses of the text within.

    1. Thanks Charlton - their sculptural nature is a bit intriguing isn't it?

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Margaret! Who knows, it might even be better than the original intention...I'm just so pleased it worked! Big relief.

  5. They remind me of Chinese lanterns as well, as if they might each have their own flickering light.

    1. Lovely thought Annie! And then of course, I see smouldering books...

  6. beautiful Fiona! The books look like they're going to take flight. I delight in your orderly manner of the wires and the books in your first photograph.

    1. Thanks Kim - the piece is actually called "Thoughts having flown..."! I felt very organised when I did all that early part sequentially, and logically so thank you for appreciating it!

  7. I immediately became a follower after reading the lovely quote you posted October 17th. Books are a home. This display is an elegant combination of books, the wonder and beauty of origami and holiday tree ornaments. I do like the orderly arrangement, but then book lovers do prefer organizational systems. Helter skelter lacks respect. I don't own a Kindle. I was a paper maker. Nice to meet you.

    1. Thank you LWR! It was a great quote and I rotate between, Art, Life and Books so you'll get to read a booky one every couple of weeks. Books are kind of made for order and organisation aren't they? Love the Dewey system and all the other ways we find to keep them organised. Thanks again, Go well.


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