
Sunday, November 24, 2013

A good weekend

Barry and I sit here, weary but happy. We opened our studio over the weekend and had a delightful time. We made some sales which is wonderful, but best of all, because we had fewer people through than at some other events, we were able to spend chunks of time with people and talk more and explore more with them. We sat and drank coffee together, munched biscuits together and talked some more!

Yesterday was a steady flow and we go to each lunch around 3pm; today was slower and gentler but there were a few gaps when we were alone and so I was able to progress some work that had been sitting on my project table for several months.

Back in April, Lesley had suggested a Spring (Northern hemisphere) print exchange and seven of us joined in, made prints and sent them to each other. I was the only one from down under and I was thrilled to join in with my UK counterparts - you have to love the interweb.

I really liked all the prints I received but had been pondering what to do with them.

Today I made a start, and a finish. An unexpected finish, but a finish nonetheless which feels great given that we are heading off at the end of the week and this feels like I have tied off a loose thread.

Here are the prints scattered on my desk.

Some of the prints before I began.

Jac Balmer
Lesley Crawley
Jane Housham

Gina Ferrari

I had one idea, and then headed off on another - deciding to cut them all down to a square 18cm x 18cm and embossing a 20cm x 20cm square onto Hannehmule Bamboo paper (265gsm)

I like the way this kind of frames them.


Anna Pye

But also, I like the way the wee indentation means that they sit flush with or slightly below the surface of the paper and therefore don't really rub onto the page in front (if that makes sense).

John Bond
I had planned to bind them into book and was intermittently looking at binding options, considering a post binding a single page binding, a perfect binding…and then a little voice said "they're an unbound book". And so they are.

So I found some nice textured paper, folded it in half, created a pouch for them and tied them all up with  a bow. Love it!

So a pretty great weekend really - lots of catch ups, lots of chatting about art and a completed project! What's not to love?


  1. Oh what lovely prints! And I love the pouch you created for them

    1. Thanks Roberta , I'm more than a wee bit late relying!

  2. I've love what you have done with the prints Fiona. I'm still undecided what to do with mine and keep getting them out to look at them, then putting them away again. Your post has reminded me that I do need to do something!

    1. Good luck with your explorations Gina! I like the way it worked out in the end.

  3. the UNEXPECTED BEST! and BEAUTY all around!

  4. Sounds like a good weekend in the studio all round Fiona! How lovely to be reminded of our endeavours. I wish I could do it all again but don't panic, I won't suggest it I promise. I love the paper mounts and that package just invites you to want to open it.

    1. Thanks Lesley, I really wanted to get to these pieces and it felt great complete the project - tied up with a bow and all.

  5. Your unbound book is wonderful, as are the prints which make it up. It must be nice to be able to sit in your studio while people come through, and spend time talking with them; I rarely get to even meet the people who purchase my work. What a satisfying weekend you had!

    1. Thank you Sharmon, and so sorry for my delayed response. it is special to open the studio and aha work with fol let them see where it's made and as you say meet the folk who buy your work...go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.