
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book meeting and anniversary!

Well, today is UNESCO World Book Day and as has become part of our tradition, Susan and I got together with our books to let them meet.

And my, what a marvellous moment it was to see the pair of these books sitting happily together, resolved and perfect for what they are, and who we are each are.

On World Book Day back in 2012, we met and decided to make a book together for the first time . From that random get-together a beautiful body of collaborative work has emerged, showing us both how far we can go; and what the nature of true collaboration can produce.

Last year we also met with our books, and so on our second anniversary of collaborating we met once more.

For whatever reason, and even at this point of the game Susan and I were still discussing and debating this today, we both really struggled with these books.  They were hard.  They did not want to venture forth fully formed and I know I just struggled and struggled.

But holding it in my hands and working my way through it quietly, my book is now my friend.

So here are our two books together.  Delightfully different yet still complementary.

Mine is wrapped in some very soft fabric…almost cocooned.

I love how Susan resolved her struggle with imagery - and the format of the book is wonderful. I love that the story can be told in so many ways…

 We thought that given it was an anniversary of sorts, we might also bring all of our books together - just to reflect on the journey; to remember moments and parts of the books that we may have forgotten. Each book represents a point in time for us as well - we remember what was happening when we made them and they are imbued with emotion and memories.

Here are our first books and our last books together - so soft!

And here they are all together, a gorgeous mix of this and that. So many lovely memories.

I look across them and know I would never have made mine without Susan's involvement. I would never have ventured places or pushed myself so hard to resolve something so that it was the best it could be, and I know I never take this time working together for granted.  It is special and whilst we both do our own things, together, we also do beautiful things.

The care, respect and gentle nudging and encouragement seems to bring out the best in us both, in a way, and for that I am grateful.

I'll take you through my book in detail next time...


  1. wow what a fantastic collection -- I love the soft tonal variations of browns and beige, grey, cream and white -- happy book day indeed

    1. Thanks Ronnie - the tonal variations are delicious - and a little bit surprising to us when we laid them out! It was a happy book day - may there be many more.

  2. Looking forward to seeing more of both these

    1. Thanks Jac - mine should be up over the weekend I hope. I think Susan has posted on hers today, so glad yoga re enjoying them.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks J - the work looks so good together I think.

  4. So much emotion, subtly portrayed. A collaboration made in heaven.

    1. Oh Jo - that is so beautiful. I'm glad you get the feeling of them through the photos and our words - we are both very fond of them and so thrilled to have begun this journey. Go well.

  5. Treasure! Beginning with a struggle .... you both persevered ..... and just look at the beauty you have achieved! How lucky we are to be able to watch your collaborations unfold.

    1. Thanks Robyn - perseverance was indeed needed for these ones; but we are both quite happy with the outcomes. Sometimes things come easily, sometimes they take real effort. It's also a joy for us to be able to share with folk who enjoy our work, so thank you.

  6. So lovely to see all your book collaborations together. Looking forward to more in depth looks at the latest. I think Susan's palm book idea is inspired and wrapping your book enhances it so beautifully.

    1. Thank you Lesley - the series looks quite lovely together we think! I will post on mine in detail over the weekend I hope, and I'm glad you like the soft fabric wrapping - one of those lightbulb moments when it told me what I needed to do!

  7. What an inspiring collaboration, and such beautiful books! I also like your idea of commemorating World Book Day in such a way. All around, truly inspirational.

    1. Thanks Ellen - so glad you enjoyed them! It has been a beautiful collaboration and we love stopping and celebrating World Book this way now - a bit of a tradition of sorts.

  8. so well done, fiona, when friends work together but not collaboratively (that's a whole other wonder) so much emerges. safe and rich critique really matters. those books look so great!

  9. This is terribly late to be writing you a comment, but I just had to say - wow! What a wonderful library of books you & Susan have created under the "umbrella" of your book collaboration. And they make for a such a cohesive collection, yet each with the mark of the individual artist.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.