
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Slowly getting there...

It seems to be taking an inordinately long time to pull together this book, but I am edging closer to the end.

It is quite a charming wee thing and I am enjoying the look of it now as I finesse things a bit, fix things up and try to tie it all together.

Susan and I have continued to meet to talk our way through these books and to help each other out.  It has been a true collaboration of minds and support this time around.

The books are due to be completed by 23 April - World Book Day - and they will get together then.

It will be quite delightful to see where all this agony has gotten us, and to share the final results. I promise this will be the last tease so to speak…

My page inserts, all complete and ready to be stitched in place. Susan still has one of them to do her final bit on…so lovely to have her original work in my book!

The play of light on this page, the lovely soft paper...

Something recognisable at last!

An element of Susan's etching and embossing on one of the pages.

Feather-light and flimsy page detail.

Another shot of them waiting to be stitched…



  1. Replies
    1. I am such a fan of white on white - and with the notion of nests and nurturing in my mind, I couldn't help but keep it so soft and white - I'm glad you love it Sue!

  2. F - as I have said before I admire the way you two really collaborate - and from my outside observation this sets of books has proved even more the respect and equality you both share in the collaboration. B

    1. Thanks B - these books have challenged us both, yet we have found support and encouragement along the way from the other which has made it all possible.

  3. I'm looking forward to the reveal. I love the texture and the way the light plays on the surfaces

    1. Thanks Jac - the reveal has been a long time coming hasn't it this time!?!? The light and lightness of this book is a real joy for me.

  4. Such beautiful feather-light images - light as air. I'm especially drawn to the embossing and it'll be fascinating to see how it all comes together.

    1. Thanks Charlton - it really does feel light as a feather; soft and gentle. The embossing is stunning - what till you see the whole image!

  5. sometimes collaboration is grand to make us stretch into places we'd not visit alone.

    1. So true V - sometimes its easier to go places with somebody by your side, cheering you on…and guiding you when you mis-step. Go well.

  6. These elements are truly divine. I think this book is going to be very special. It seems your collaborative relationship is changing and deepening over time - fascinating to observe. It is wonderful that you are sharing it with us.

    1. I'm glad you like the elements so far Amanda - it has been an effort to get them to here! We are finding the collaboration changes and the nature of our working together does as well - always we are pushing into discomfort and new territory, but feeling wholly supported along the way.

  7. looking exquisite - I can't wait till we reveal and our two books meet x

    1. I think there will be a big sigh of relief when they meet don't you?!? Soon!

  8. How soft can you go! Great to see how the collaboration is taking you both into new areas, you must have done work together a few times before to make this seem so seamless.

    1. Thank you kindly Jack! Soft as…I don't know, but whatever is really really soft. We are fortunate to be able to explore new areas as we collaborate, and to feel so supported in doing so. This is our 7th collaborative book together so we are into a bit of a rhythm perhaps? If you wan tho see them all - either click on collaboration in my labels of broth of our books; or my website has all of mine on it ( Go well.

  9. Soon can't come SOON enough! Waiting in anticipation for the reveal.

    1. Like you Lesley, I am a bit impatient to have this done; but am still stitching! I cut the cover today as well, so hopefully will finish soon. We are waiting for our 2nd anniversary so to speak (World Book Day 23 April) for the reveal - so less than 10 days now ; )

  10. quelle délicatesse! J'aime beaucoup


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