
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday Thoughts...

“My heart wants roots. 
My mind wants wings. 
I cannot bear their bickerings.” 

E. Y. Harburg

I think life is full of dichotomies like this and I think it is perfectly fine to feel the tug and the pull between quite different directions or options.

I often feel that between travelling and staying home - the hermit and the wanderer.

In my artwork, it might be between letting go and maintaining some control; between doing commissions and doing my own thing.  It always seems to me that in the end its about the balance.

I'm not sure I feel the bickering quite as much this quote suggests; I am simply just aware that there are tugs in different directions, and that at different times I will respond differently to them. Life's not about being homogenous and only ever doing it one way or feeling one way is it?

WIth reference to the wings…here's my contribution to Jennifer and Julie's monthly search for Roy G Biv, the rainbow. We are almost at the end of our rainbow so to speak, with this month's colour being indigo.  Some emu feathers as part of a cyanotype...


  1. embracing the dichotomies is NOT an easy lesson. once learned though, how rich things become!

    1. I agree Velma - it has taken me a while to feel OK about them! Letting go of the singular and being open to the plural is an interesting way to be.

  2. love how emu feathers look like bones

    1. I hadn't thought that way Mo - but they look very fish-bone-like don't they? Long thin fish...

  3. Life is full of these quandaries. Balance is important. I've no idea how to do cyanotype but yours is quite lovely.

    1. Thanks Jo - I found some whiz-bang paper in New York; but there a lots of recipes around I think. It's a stunnig colour isn't it? And yes, above all, balance.

  4. Really lovely image! Thanks for playing this month.

    1. Thanks Julie - Indigo is one of the trickiest isn't it? Go well.

  5. This is beautifully delicate ... and somehow, to me, crossed as they are, they represent that tug and pull and the different directions you mention ...

    1. I really like that you saw that Charlton - a tug here or there, or even just a drift apart. Emu feathers are so so fine...

  6. Your work is always very evocative, and I read much into it - wonderful post.

  7. I love the blue next to the delicate soft white of the feathers... Lovely!

    1. Thanks Sharmon - the contrast and detail is rather lovely isn't it?

  8. I think you've described the feelings of many of us here Fiona. Life is always a balancing act and we are lucky that we have the freedom to choose what to do day by day as the mood takes us.Beautiful cyanotype too. I have an emu egg that someone gave me and now I know what the feathers look like!

    1. I agree wholeheartedly about the balance Lesley and how fortunate we are to be able to have choices about how we balance things. Emu feathers are much finer and delicate than an emu egg I must say! But I like emu eggs too-we have one on our entry table.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks you Jill - such delicate wisps indeed. It's lovely to have that light and airy feeling evoked.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.