
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday Thoughts...

“There’s always a lot of magic, but our way of seeing is very small and we mostly just call it Nature. Why, we are not at all surprised that we can pick an apple in the autumn that was a pink flower in the spring. That’s natural magic and we don’t really notice it.” 

 The Hounds of the Morrigan, by Pat O’Shea

They often say "the miracle of nature" and I guess it is. This quote so beautifully describes a moment we observe throughout the year, but probably don't stop to appreciate enough.

That whole transition from pink bud to edible fruit is natural magic at its best, and illustrates the point so beautifully. There is also a sense that we are almost sleepwalking our way through sometimes, and forgetting to notice that miracles and magic are there every day.

What I think I like about this quote are the notions underlying it. To me it is a beautiful and simple way to remind me to:

a) be open;
b) take notice;
c) observe with wonder;
d) celebrate magic or miracles; and
e) appreciate the little things.

I know my life is better when I do stop each day to notice, to reflect, and to appreciate.  When I am just busy or rushing, I lose that silken thread connection to the natural world which offers us so much beauty and wonder. Taking a fragment of time to be aware, to observe, to notice and to give thanks or simply smile, makes my daily life so much richer and content.

One of my favourite pieces of nature and it magic and miracles - nests.  Every time I come across one I stop in awe and wonder. How such a wee thing can work so hard, collect so much material and then weave it so perfectly that it creates a safe and welcoming home for a precious babe - astounds me. 


  1. I am in awe of nature, when I plant my vegetable seeds, dry little things and a few weeks later they are strong healthy plants and then a few weeks after that I eat them fresh from the soil. Magic

    1. It really feels like magic and alchemy doesn't it Debbie? I love our veggie garden as well and the miracles of food it offers. Enjoy!

  2. Replies
    1. It was such a clever one and I always love the accompanying softness...go well.

  3. Thanks for sharing your thursday thoughts- just the reminder I needed!

    1. Happy it was nice reminder Sharmon; I have been thinking about it a lot lately...Go well.

  4. Such a good point about "why are we not more surprised" (which I see, on looking back at the quote, that I actually misread - but indeed, why not?). And the conclusions you reached are such valuable truths to keep in mind... The image of that lovely nest is certainly a wonderful reminder of the words that you quoted & reflected upon.

  5. Hi Lisa - I think I was almost stunned by the simplicity of that description - it was so apt. I am reminding myself often lately, and enjoying the process and the joy and wonder I experience when I do. Little moments mean a lot...go well.

  6. Oh that nest is so beautiful. A miracle of making. It looks so tactile, I want to reach out from here and touch it.

    1. It is a precious wee thing Lesley - part of the collection downstairs; all gathered from the block (after the birds have moved house). I remain in awe of their making and their patience and their care for every little thing. Big sigh.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.