
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Poppy progression

Having been thinking about poppies so much of late, they filtered into my mind around making.  I scribbled some lines in a notebook whilst we were working in Melbourne, then started thinking about how to use them in my work whilst we were away in the desert.

They were spilling over in my head and I had to get them out and onto the page somehow.

The progressions goes a bit like this...

Drawing some wiggly lines on scrap paper - filling some of the gaps with words.

Making a long thin piece with lines just at the bottom, enjoying the landscape they create.

Pencils - drawing stylised poppies

Thinking I might like embossed stems rather than drawn stems.

And wondering how blobby or round to make the poppies.

But liking when the black dots went in, and deciding that black ink was better for the writing.

And then working onto larger pieces - embossed and de-bossed rectangles.

Then working on long thin book pages, would I use some really large poppies, add in some words?

Would the words be lead pencil, black pencil, black ink?

And really liking the corners on the larger pieces.

Nothing is complete. Nothing is finished.  A couple of little ideas have flowed in so many directions...onto the wall, into a book. Do they work one way better than the other? Can I use both? Can I do some multiples?

I have been totally focused on these works the past few days - they have absorbed me and kept my focus, and really made me want to stay in the studio and not come home to eat! 


  1. These are great. I love the way the extra dimension of the embossing brings the page to life.

    1. Thanks Jac - it makes all the difference doesn't it? And of course, makes you go up close to see what is there...which I like!

  2. you know it's right when you don't want meals, the work is feeding you. the poppies are very good.

    1. Thanks V - I felt well sustained by them for sure - coming up for air, food and water was just not needed!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Anna - hope you had a lovely Easter birthday.

  4. Love your poppies! And I really appreciate seeing your process. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Candy - I remain in awe of the process and where it takes you and what you decide and change; so am always happy to share.

  5. Beautiful poppies, each step of the process is wonderful to watch. I love the way you and Barry so generously share the unfolding of your magic. Stunning!

    1. Thanks Carol - it has been interesting for me to observe where the poppies have led me; I am never quite sure, but together we work it out! Go well.

  6. I too love seeing the process ... it makes the final images so much more meaningful. Thank you for the time and care you have given to this wonderful post.

    1. Thank you Liz - I am glad the stories behind the finished pieces lifts them! I am always amazed at the path we take to get to the finished work...go well.

  7. I so enjoyed what you have shared
    the steps and ponderings you took
    i think each page would make for a wonderful book
    images building on one another
    thoughts being explored
    because i liked each idea you had
    quite beautiful

    1. Thanks Tammie Lee isn't it interesting how interesting the process can be - as I look at it now, you are right - a small photographic book of these thoughts and ponderings would be a lovely progression...go well

  8. I love the stream of consciousness that runs through this post. All the 'what ifs' are so carefully listened to and acted upon, culminating in a finished idea. All so beautiful Fiona and so 'You'.

    1. Such a stream of consciousness it is Lesley! I do find that is the way for me with things; except I am often saying my thoughts out loud in the studio and it's not just quiet contemplation! I do chat to myself a lot as I go along. I am really enjoying where they have ended up and making a few final pieces. Very me indeed! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.