
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Gifts of winter

Winter arrived this week - and we have had some seriously cold days and nights.  I generally prefer to feel warm and I often grump about needing so many layers of clothes but I do try to recognise the gifts of winter.

We shared pizza by the fire at Susan's with some friends during the week - and who can really enjoy a fire in the midst of summer?

The valley offers so much beauty when the air has moisture and the cold air keeps it down - forming the cloud lakes below us.  I took these photos of an early sunrise and the trees miles away in the cloud lakes in the valley and enjoy the ethereal feel of them.

And our camellias have been blooming and blossoming and just being their beautiful selves for what seems like months now. We brought some of the pale pink and white ones inside and they have gracefully dropped their petals here and there and given us much joy.

The citrus is in full flight and marmalade and orange cakes are being made; the pumpkin glut is nearly over and we're into roasted pumpkin soup and I think the last of the summer's bell peppers were made into sweet chilli sauce this afternoon, so as we nestle down, cocoon ourselves and go gently, we have stacks of food to keep us happy.

Each season deserves to be celebrated, and I'm re-acquainting myself with winter...


  1. such beautiful photographs Fiona!

  2. I like cooler weather, but I would like a bit more sun at times. lovely photos

    1. Hi Penny, I always feel a bit like Goldilocks - not too much hot, not too much cold - I like it just right!

  3. Hi Fiona, what amazing photos, every season has its beauty and l love the start of each and welcome the end of each to go on to the next, and now your making me peckish for marmalade and orange cakes and pumpkin.

    1. Thanks Kate - we have a good camera! I do try to stop and appreciate the gifts of each season; helps you thru the hot-hot and the cold-cold days...must admit I love winter because of soup!

  4. those trees in particular - so lovely

    1. Thanks! They are quite magical aren't they? Go well.

  5. Such exceptionally beautiful photographs.

    1. Thanks Stephanie - its good to stop and appreciate the moments; and handy to have a good camera alongside you! Go well.

  6. just imagine having flowering plants in winter! and the tree photos are exquisite.

    1. I had so much with those trees Velma! And yes, we don't get cold enough fore everything to hibernate - some things keep on flowering...


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