
Sunday, June 28, 2015


I have spent the past few days succumbing. Succumbing to the common cold. Which has made me think a lot about this beautiful poem/prayer by one of my favourite cartoonist-philosophers Michael Leunig. 

 God bless those who suffer from the common cold.
 Nature has entered into them;
 Has led them aside and gently lain them low
 To contemplate life from the wayside;
 To consider human frailty;
 To receive the deep and dreamy messages of fever.
 We give thanks for the insights of this humble perspective. 
 We give thanks for blessing in disguise.

 'When I Talk to You' Michael Leunig, HarperCollins.

I surprised myself by behaving myself. By stopping. By taking all the good remedies there are to take; and to simply stop. To potter a bit. To prepare a few things I really had to prepare, but then to lie on the couch and read this.

And look at this.

Taken through the window with the iPhone - I didn't grab a camera or open a door...

Feeling brighter and better for it, but there was no art this weekend. Every now and again one has to retreat, withdraw and heal. The weekend was one of those times and the common cold gave me the time I needed to consider life as Leunig suggests...

For tomorrow we set up the display of First Editions, Early Australian Literature as part of the Maleny Celebration of Book which we celebrate next weekend! It will be joyous and a gorgeous weekend of books and writers and lovers of books gathering to talk and enjoy books.

I am so looking forward to the Big Book Club discussion of Ian McEwan's book "The Children Act" - the large group discussions will be facilitated by Graeme Page  QC so should be a fascinating exploration of law and ethics and other things.

The Forum on Sunday will be brilliant - 4 award winning authors talking about creativity. Matt Condon, Francis Whiting, Kristina Olsson and Ashley Hay. Can't wait for that as well!

Alongside films based on books (Paddington for children and The Testament of Youth for adults) and workshops for writers and the Book Tree Swap (from whence I nabbed that book to read today - shall place it back for swapping next weekend!) and the launch of children's author Greig Dreise's latest book it will be a fun-filled time.

If you are interested in any of the events - we'd love to se you there.

Early dinner and early to bed tonight, ready to face the week feeling well.


  1. Hi Fiona, get well soon, hope the book events go well

    1. Thanks Kate - 'twas good to rest and recover, and yes I'm excited by the bookishness of next weekend!

  2. Dearest Fiona, I hope you get over the common cold uncommonly quickly and that it will have taken its course by next weekend. It sounds like a great event so enjoy... and I've seen Paddington and have to tell you it isn't only for children! I loved it but maybe that says more about my infantile mind than I should admit.....

    1. Thanks Lesley - I am recovering well - good behaviour producing good results - must remember that! I am such a concrete learner...
      Lots of of folk have told me Paddington isn't only for children, but I think the timing clashes with the book club event - sigh. Have a good week.

  3. Well done Fiona...minor illnesses can be a blessing in many ways. By the way...I swear by chicken soup (homemade, of course)

    1. Ahh thanks for the chicken soup reminder Jo - perfect for this weather and the common cold. Am on the up and up I hope, go well!

  4. so glad you decided not to 'soldier on'

    1. I'm so glad too! It's not like me to be sensible and slow down, stop and just be. It clearly works so I must remember it if there's a next time! Go well.

  5. Hope your feeling better Fiona and your bump-in went well. All the best for your event next weekend.
    btw, that's a lovely photograph taken with your iPhone.

    1. Thanks Kim - stopping and being sensible has had an impact which is good (and now I need to remember to do it again if needed!) I am feeling better. The display looks great and the opening went well tonight as well. Thanks and enjoy playing with clay creatures!

  6. you live in such a beautiful corner of paradise, be well!

    1. It is a lovely place to be recuperating I must say Mo - lifts your spirits every time.

  7. here's hope that the healing rest does the trick. it's needful.

    1. I really need to learn to rest and not keep on fighting illness V - a hard one to learn, but definitely worth it. I have not stayed down too long this time whilst there are some very nasty bugs around. Go well.


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