
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Words of peace

We have had quite a few days of wall to wall mist over the past week or so, with rain and mizzle and every other form of moisture possible on a mountain I think. The past three days have been sunny tho and it is so good for the spirit - even if they feel a bit chilly.

When it gets moist for days on end, I feel sad for my paper.  It gets moist and I can't go near it with ink - it just bleeds and runs and doesn't hold a line at all. So, I have to do something else.

We run dehumidifiers which are in fact a real life saver and keep things dry and any mould at bay; but nonetheless, I didn't want to be doing inky things during the week just in case, so I played with the pencils - much less chance they'll run!

I have been working on a series of seven hanging, each of three long thin rusted pages.  The pages are dark, but the words are light - hoping for peace to emerge from darkness.

Here are a couple of completed ones (the first 6 photos) then the others are fragments of other pages.

Another completed set...

And then some close up sod other pages...

It has also been a time of tidying.  I had honestly reached the stage of no surface anywhere to put anything onto or to work on, so it was a good chance to get myself sorted. As a result I was much more productive today!


  1. Makes a difference when you have a clear space!

    1. 'Tis good for the soul and spirit isn't it Penny? I feel lighter and less frazzled as a result. Go well.

  2. peace is my wish too! your pages are lovely. I have been enjoying your work silently for a long time but thought today I should say good day! thank you for sharing your work with us. tell me why it is easier to make war than peace!!!

    1. Thank you Lyle - it's so nice that you'e popped out of the quiet place to comment! I'm sop leased you enjoy looking through my ponderings and my work - and my wish for you as well is peace...

  3. beautiful colours and textures, deceptively simple looking

    1. Thanks Jac - I like it when people know that simple is not always easy! The textures and marks are really interesting on these and they look good hanging together. Go well.

  4. Absolutely beautiful! That goes for the letters, the background and the sentiment.

    1. Thank you Candy - it's nice when the the whole lot comes together and works like these have. Go well.

  5. It's all so beautiful - the paper, the words, the sentiment and the typeface too.

    1. Thanks Lesley - I really enjoyed playing with these letters and having them dance along the page a bit. They have come together well and are hanging nicely.

  6. love how your quiet strong spirit shines with these words for Peace

    1. Thank you Mo - as ever, we need as many quiet and strong spirits shining for peace wherever we can. Go well.

  7. hi Fiona, love the colours you have used, and those white letters are just stunning, would love to see a photo of them all hanging together........cheers

    1. If only I could find enough wall space to hang them Kate! I have been looking around wondering where on earth I can test them out...will keep looking and hope to be able to photograph them soon.

  8. today, looking over here, i read and SAW these. we are hurting here in the u.s., mad gunners, escaped murderers down the road, blah blah. your words settled me. thank you, fiona.

    1. Glad the gentle words of peace reached you over the waves Velma - hold tight to them and to beauty.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.