
Sunday, July 5, 2015

A busy week, with beauty...

Sunday afternoon and I am sitting here thinking wow - what a week.

On Monday we set up the display of First Editions at Maleny Library. On Wednesday we headed to Brisbane to set up the 4x4 display - four book artists from Far North Queensland and four book artists from South East Queensland. It is showing at Brisbane Square Library for 3 whole months! The show looks stunning and I am thrilled we could gather theses artists together, showing "the book as sculpture". It was shown in Cairns in March, and now here.

Here are a few of the works.

My Library of Lost Words and Rusty Journal below...

Susan Bowers...

Helen Malone...

Adele Outteridge...

Rose Rigley...

Barbara Dover...

 Claudine Marzik...

Rosie Miller...

Wednesday night, the moon was full and the sky was clear. Some moon shots of beauty through a tree.

Thursday it turned cold in the afternoon; but set up these beautiful sunset panoramas across the valley.  Even when you are going going going, it is so lovely to stop and look at that view. To stop and enjoy the moment.

And today, we have just finished the most wonderful Celebration of Books weekend.  It was all I had hoped for and more - just brilliant.  We are lucky to work with the best bunch of women who just get in and get things done - and are ably supported on the days by our fabulous partners and husbands who also just get down and dirty helping lug chairs, hang books, pack up, mop, sweep, cart and carry,  you name it.

The Book Swap Tree...

Every event was bigger and better than before it seemed. We had great conversations and discussions and the movie was brilliant as well.  We went out and bought the book on which the movie was based (Testament of Youth) this morning we were so moved by it, as well as books by the authors who visited and charmed and inspired us with their thoughtful and insightful reflections on life and creativity.

And I must say, we baked up a treat and everybody commented on how good the treats were at the events!

Wow. What a week.


  1. You sure packed a whole lot into a single week. Beautiful books! And I love the idea of a book tree. You're so creative!

    1. It was a huge week Candy - and I am still kind of recovering - but also revelling in a wonderful week of books! Go well.

  2. Busy, busy...and obviously very successful. Congrats to all.

  3. can you hear me swoooooooning from there? oh myyyyyyy ---- I'm loving all the book works, the swap tree and of course those wonderful views when you look up xxxxxxxxxx

    1. Such a lot of bookishness wasn't it Ronnie? Huge amounts of fun and joy have been had. And yes, the sky is there to remind us when we look up, to stop and to slow...go well.

  4. Sounds a wonderful week, full of community and creativity. How I wish I could stand in front of that display case and look at those books in close detail. I shall satisfy my curiosity buy scrutinising the photos instead. Gorgeous moon photos again Fiona. You always seems to be able to capture it so well. There must be a book in there somewhere......

    1. It was a real wow of a week Lesley - so full of books and community sharing! Those first editions are so precious and beautiful, I am still amazed that I got to handle them. The moons offering me many moment sod magic I must say; not sure how I can pull it together as a book, but I do love these graphic images this time around. Go well and enjoy summer time!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.