
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Good Grief and a giveaway

As I posted a week or so ago I had a look at my blog posts and realised that I was coming up to blog post 1000.

And this is it. Good grief.

I hardly know what I should post about on such a momentous (smile) occasion, but did think it was worth marking the milestone with a give-away. Hang on in here and you'll get to the giveaway I promise.

I decided I would post about books and making them, given as how I love both books and making so much; and it was perfect because Susan and I ran a collaborative book making workshop yesterday!

We did our artist talk in the morning then spent the afternoon working with 13 people making books together and it was great. Exhausting, but great.

We each prepared pages for our groups and gave them some of our own work to work with; a bit like how Susan and I collaborated early in our collaboration where we gave each other materials to make a book with.  It was fun and I really enjoyed watching people respond to my birds and nests, and making them their own.

They got some pages, and then could raid this stash to add their own take on what they had in front of them...

Here are some snippets of the work that my group did.







A number of coptic-bound books that both groups made - in just three hours!

It is always lovely to watch folk get excited by making a book. Their very own book. Which they made themselves. Such a delight!

And now to the celebratory giveaway.

It seems to me to still be important to think and share peace and so I shall happily share this print with the person whose name is picked from the hat in a week's time.

All you have to do is: leave a comment and let me know three of your favourite words...

The giveaway draw will close at 5pm (Brisbane time) on Saturday 7 November, and I shall post the winner's name on Sunday 8 November.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and thanks for joining me along the way...


  1. I just want to let you know how delighted I was to find your blog and that of your collaborator Susan's. They have given me such pleasure and encouragement. It has been interesting thinking about my favourite three words - there are so many ways to think of words: visually, aurally, and conceptually. I have chosen the last category and my words are: curiosity, consideration, and enthusiasm. All of these you display so admirably.
    Here's to the next thousand posts!

    1. Thanks for your words Olga and for your kind thoughts about our blogs. It is so nice to find kindred spirits online, people who encourage, support or inspire. I love the three you chose and how you thought about it - thank you again.

  2. Love seeing all the books!! (and don't include me in the giveaway as I've already won this print from you!!) Congratulations on 1000 posts, that IS momentous, really!

    1. Thanks for the reminder Valerianna! The book results were great - and if I can keep sharing peace then that's a fine thing too. Go well.

  3. calm, explore and breathe
    I wish I could come to one of your workshops!

    1. Thanks Gill - lovely choice of words! I always love watching folk make a book - the absolute joy and wonder of it all...go well.

  4. Congrats on your 1000th post! Three words, CREATE, IMAGINATION, COMPASSION

    1. Thanks for the congrats DK! Great choice of words too - go well.

  5. Your students' work looks wonderful - I would be excited, too! I would love to win your lovely print. Three of my favorite words - hmmmmm - perseverance, peace, and endurance - at least, today.

    1. Thanks Sharmon - I love that there were three words 'for today'. I could never choose my absolute favourites, but there are some special ones out there. Book-making is a little bit like quiet and slow alchemy...go well.

  6. Congratulations on an awe-some milestone (having only 299 posts to my name, I really am in awe). And what a perfect post with which to mark it, as the marks on these pieces are indeed noteworthy.

    As for three words, I'm torn because I know what you mean, but "Food is love" came to mind first because it is by cooking and baking that I most like to give myself to others. That being said, if I were to chose three words in isolation I would name: Peace, Love, Happiness

    1. Thanks for thinking so much about the three words Liz - i love that they make us consider so many things in different ways. I am as surprised by making 1000 posts as anybody I think! Glad you've joined in along the way, go well.

  7. Hi Fiona
    Will be up to see the exhibition later in the week. I would've loved the workshop but, alas, no time.

    My words are: BE, THINK, and SERENDIPITY

    I guess that's a summary of the way I live. haha.

    1. I hope you enjoy the show Jo! Wonderful choice of words, they cover so many aspects of life I think. Go well.

  8. Congratulations! A momentous occasion indeed!
    My words - relax - breathe - dare

    1. Thanks Carol and I went "ooooooh love these words" when I read them! Go well - we have another open studio early in December - might see you then

  9. From Valerie:

    Hello Fiona,
    I love the beautiful books that came out of your workshop on Saturday. Well done to you and Susan for all the preparation that goes on in the background to make workshops so enjoyable and productive for the participants.

    Serendipity, mysterious and celebratory are three words that resonate with me. Cheers Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie - workshops are hard work but great fun at the same time - quite the paradox. I love your three words - there is magic within them. Go well.

  10. Congrats Fiona on your 1000 posts, well done to you, l love the books that you and Susan produced for your workshop, would have loved to be there to make one, maybe one day , love your print, but sadly have no where for it to go in my house, l have just done a big declutter, so please dont worry about the giveaway for me, and l hope to read another 1000 of your posts in the future

    1. Thanks for your kind words Kate - feel free to give me three words and if you win then you can gift it on - share peace around I say! The workshop was great fun and the magic of book-makign was present for sure. Go well.

  11. stream of consciousness response to your photos at 2:22 am
    (an) exquisite shimmer (of) alchemy

    1. Love your stream of consciousness Mo - capture the magic of the books perfectly!

  12. 1,000 posts. That's quite a feat. Congratulations my dear. As for words, how are taproot, serendipity and connectedness?

    1. Oooooh I do like that combination of words J! And thanks for the congrats - it is quite the milestone in a way - and its been fun playing in this particular sandpit together for a few years now!

  13. I think I have read at least 700 of these posts:) and learned and loved and created. So- there we go- three words.

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know you are out there reading Susan! I love your three words - what a world we could make with those...go well.

  14. How I envy your group. This looks like a wonderful session.
    As to my favourite words ... now as I visit your beautiful country, perhaps they might be seeing, space and tranquility. That latter occurs to me as it always does when I travel and leave the responsibilities of home behind.

  15. my three words for you and everyone who reads this: dreams, love and joy

  16. Too late for the draw and I would have said count me out because of postal problems but wanted to congratulate you on 1000 posts!! My words just for fun.... Solace, sanctuary and stillness.

  17. 1000 posts! How did I miss this? Well done that girl for the stamina required to commit to such a number - every one of them intriguing, thought provoking, inspiring and pure joy to read!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.