
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday Thoughts...

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” 

Jean Shinoda Bolen

At the beginning of a new year, as I seek to try and set the framework for the year ahead and to to set down some thoughts about things I would like to do; places to visit; things to achieve; things to commit to; this quote speaks to me of art.

I think for many of us, most of us probably, we find the space for art and making art in amongst the gaps in time and space that the rest of our life allows.  It is hard to carve out time to focus solely and purely on the art which brings us such joy and wellbeing.

I think however, that Ms Bolen gives us something to think about - that moment when we really knew how good sitting down with our art practice was for our souls and our spirits.  She reminds us to pay attention to those moments when we felt most alive, most real, with the truest expression of who we wish to be played out in front of us.

And she asks us at these moments to hold that thought. To recall how good that was for us. To remember how uplifted we were. And then she says - care enough about yourself; value yourself highly enough; respect yourself enough to make time for you to do it again. and again. and again.

It is lovely to be reminded to be gentle with ourselves and care enough to find the time to do what lifts us up, what nourishes our soul and what sets our spirits soaring.

Some of my most enjoyable moments last year - sitting and fiddling with feathers and threads and paper for my Under Construction pieces. Lovely moments spent far far away in my mind, emerging refreshed and inspired from time spent with my work.


  1. oooo I love that photo F --- it speaks to me of quiet things and meditating in the garden.... and being the the garden with quiet things is just what I'd like to be doing more of this year ---- much xxxxx for 2016

    1. I wish you many moments of quiet things and pottering and meditative times Ronnie. Go well and enjoy the alphabet!

  2. Bolen is a wonderful writer.. and I totally agree... love your collection...

    1. Thanks Cat - I hadn't heard of her before, but I shall explore more. It was such fun to play with those bibs and bobs and see what emerged...

  3. your work holds such a beautiful sense of paring back to the essence, to the bones, to the heart of the matter

    1. That is so lovely Mo - I try to get that feel, the elegance of simplicity and the essence of things - and hope that it comes across rather than she was lazy and didn't add much in! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.