
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday Thoughts...

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” 

Maya Angelou

It's a funny superstitious kind of thought isn't it in a way? - that we have a finite amount of creativity within us, and after using it, it will all be gone.  I don't think I've ever thought of it that way - like Maya I tend to think the more you use, the more you create.

My original profession was a physiotherapist, so I look at creativity like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes; the more effective it is and the more efficient you are.

I guess if you look at in the reverse, that the less you use the less you have, that also seems to hold true. Those times when you haven't been able to get to the studio and be creative in any way shape or form, seem to show that when you do, you are often searching, looking here and there for the creative juices to flow, for the spark that will set you going again. It's as if by not using it, you have lost some of it.

I also think it happens that once  you start making connections, leaping here and there, trying this and that, following that lead, exploring that option, trying that idea out, that the creativity just multiplies and the energy flows and the wow! factor is there.

Not the most beautiful L in the world - a bit unbalanced and all the rest - but it shows me playing and trying and testing and letting loose...


  1. What i need to find my missing mojo. Physical down-time affects mental accuity, doesn't it?

    1. It's an interesting connection/correlation Dinah - I am sure time away feels like we have drained our creativity in a way...hope your mojo is found soon!

  2. I love the idea of creativity being a muscle, and I love the Angelou quote, and have always believed that to be true... works for me anyway!!

    1. It makes sense doesn't Cat? I think we experience it that way - the more we do, the more we do...

  3. the world craves a chunk of the artist's heart and soul...
    just give it to them...
    'cause there's always more...
    we all have huge deep hearts and plenty of soul & giving a bit away just makes room for more...
    but no art is made without lots of dark rich blood flowing through it, and it needs quite a few tears of frustration and even anger & a lot of sweat and stripped back to the bare bones honesty to yourself... to get to the truth... 'cause that's what this artist's life is all about... finding your truth, no one else's, otherwise it's not the real thing & it won't speak true...
    you and Barry speak true with heart

    1. Ah mo - how precious. I really do believe the more you give away, the more you get in so many things and in so many ways. It can be hard work to find your way to your truth, and yet it is sooooo worth it. Making your work and your work alone is what it is all about. Thank you.

  4. What a great quote and love this post about creativity. I'm a big believer that we all have a wellspring of you, but you are right....the less you use it, the harder it is to find it....still it's always there. And as always, yours is overflowing! Cheers! -- Patti

    1. Thanks for the reminder Patti that it is always still there - that's important! On those days when you feel as if it has deserted you, you just have to dig deeper and longer I guess. Go well.

  5. Amazing, I was just writing in my journal today that creative well being for me is just like physical fitness - the more I use those muscles, the more toned and capable they are of performing. I find if I'm not doing some kind of making regularly, that type of perception and attention, focus and motivation just goes flaccid or complains when called upon. I know Patti is a big believer in daily disciplines, putting pen to paper, whatever the result, whatever the intention. It just keeps one limber. Wonderfully timely post, F! Thanks.

    1. oooh spooky! I think there is something like muscle memory at play here as well - we remember how to do things once we begin again. A timely reminder for us ally keep unmaking! Go well.

  6. Thinking about creativity like a muscle is a brilliant suggestion Fiona. I am in sore need of exercising it for myself. I hope I can rely on 'muscle memory' to kick in soon and get me going!Great quote from a pretty special woman too.

    1. She is a remarkable woman is she not? Hopefully your exercise program begins again and you start of gently and end up winning gold! Go well.


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