
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday Thoughts...

The problem with books is that they end. 

Caroline Kepnes

Oh isn't that the truth on occasions? Sometimes I find myself rushing to the end of a book so that I can know what happens, and let go of my worry or angst about particular characters.

Sometimes I dawdle my way there because I know the final chapter means the end of my interaction with these characters and I am not quite ready for that.

Sometimes I go along happy to finish and know that the next book in a series is lined up waiting for me without missing beat.

And then there are times I am happy just to get to the end and finish the book and tick it off whatever list it was on in my head! Book group book done. Challenging non fiction book for the betterment of my understanding done.

But generally if I have persisted with book (and nowadays I give myself permission to not persist if I am getting nothing out of it or if it annoys me) I feel a little bit sad when it ends.

Altho sometimes I can also feel triumphant if the ending is good! And of course I can sometimes feel a tad relieved because it means I can now get stuck into that new book that is waiting there and whispering to all in all, quite the mixed bag of responses to the ending of book.

Lined up to read next...


  1. you will love when women were birds. i don't know about the others. it has the marks of an artists' book. you'll see why.

    1. I understand V - I am only just beginning but already I know it is special...

  2. Replies
    1. I am really enjoying it thus far Trace - so different, so real, so poignant.

  3. I totally identify with your feelings about books and beginnings/endings. Your upcoming reading choices look really intriguing; I might have to try these out!

    1. I can vouch for two out of three so far Sharmon - the leadership one I haven't yet begun! Different and interesting teach n their own ways for sure.

  4. I couldn't agree more with all of those observations and, despite the pile of books in my 'ready to read' stack,I am already intrigued by those others in the photograph. I have not heard of When Women were Birds and having seen both Velma and Trace's comments I have to go and find out more straight away. I almost know I will buy it regardless.... let's compare notes!

    1. I know that feeling of being distracted by a shiny new book Lesley - like you I have a stack of yet to reads, yet these three jumped out ahead of them and said read me instead! Pico is wonderful and When women were birds is special for sure - intriguing. Yes we shall compare notes!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.