
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday Thoughts...

“Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.” 

Jackson Pollock

I think I gravitated towards this one because it challenges me a bit and makes me want to think.  I don't think I agree with Mr Pollock here - although in part I do.  I do think the outcome is the statement and that what the finished work says is important; but I also believe that the technique, and the process also contribute enormously to the statement that can be made at the end of it all.

Perhaps it's the old art and craft divide again; but for me, every decision I take along the way has to hold together; has to give the final work integrity; and has to add to the wholeness of the piece.

If I am am going to burn book pages and leave behind words about feminism; then the book I burn should be a feminist book, not simply a garden guide or a travel book.

If I am making a book about WWI; then the paper I use is aged and fragile - not pristine and white.  Every step of the way I consider materials and techniques as a way to enhance the final piece; to enable the book or the piece to hold together and not simply be the result of an idea that used whatever I had on hand without much thought.

Perhaps what he is saying that it doesn't matter which technique you use, because whichever technique you use is capable of making a statement?

Time for Change - grids, quilts, bandages, watch parts, burning - every decision taken adds to the integrity of the piece.


  1. Pollock's comment makes me think of the famous quote by media critic Marshall McLuhan: "The medium is the message." It also reminds me of the limitations of most art classes I've taken -- they're all about technique, and not the more important skill of how to USE that technique to craft an authentic message. How did YOU learn to make meaning in your art?

  2. I agree with you. Although technique shouldn't be the be all and end all in a piece of work, without careful consideration of materials and processes and a degree of ability (usually arrived at through practice)in the making then the end result boils down to a badly expressed idea not a piece of art.

  3. he defined the loose mark made with deep intent

  4. F - also a bit torn on this quote. In some cultures the technique is the statement not a means of arriving at a statement. I agree that choosing techniques to carry, add and amplify meaning takes reflection, intent, thoughtfulness. B


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.