
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Garden loveliness

We have received some welcome rain lately and the garden is glorying in it; even tho we are turning towards Autumn and things should be slowing down, and almost drifting off to sleep.

I was looking at the orchids the other day and focussed on the peace post that supports one end of their wall. I did the letters; and Barry carved them int the post.

It has gathered some beautiful lichen and it is ageing graciously.

And then the orchids...being so generous with their beauty right now...

And a violet masquerading as an orchid...

And the basil which needs trimming and de-heading but I just can't bring myself to do it because the bees are all over the flowers and I find it so hard to say no to the bees!

I think pesto is on the cards for this week sometime nonetheless.


  1. Living organic peace;the peace post in your garden Fiona, a comfort to the eye and soul so needed these days for those of us who live in the United States. Spring is here in the high desert of New Mexico, my home, and today,we too are experiencing rain. Lilacs are in bloom and your orchids, sigh...dancing ladies of the land, beautiful.

    1. I love how gardens can soothe and nurture us Marti - your lilacs sound delightful and wonderfully scented, even from here...go well.

  2. The colour of those orchids have a luminosity to them that really hits you between the eyes. I love that Nature is reclaiming the wood on your sign. What goes around comes around.

    1. They are eye-catching against the darker greys and green aren't they Lesley? I love how they 'pop'! I have been wondering if the lettering will eventually be unseen on the post? But the message will remain...go well.

  3. Oh my how I love those posts! Lichens adding serifs to your letters is just divine. :)

    1. Oh Valerianna - how perfect; the lichen serifs!! Love it!

    2. Has me thinking about how I might do some signs in the forest here... they would surely gather lichen serifs and moss, too!


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