
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday Thoughts...

“Normality is a paved road. It is comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on it.” 
Vincent van Gogh

I have to think these words describe some of Vincent's work perfectly. His work seems so different to much of what else was being painted at the time; and of course, there were flowers.

I really don't think of my work as avant grade, or ground-breaking or out there or anything else that might describe exciting art movements; but I don't think is normal either.   The reason I felt a tug towards these words is that my work is to be found in a very small niche.

Artists' books are not taking over the world with popularity; nor are they the next big thing. Here in Australia they have a small but dedicated following; but most folk don't really understand or 'get' them. My work also involves more text than pictures - that is they are not books of paintings or drawings or prints; they are books of artistic words in a way.

I laugh a myself often when I try to describe my work to folk who ask "and what do you do?"

Poor things, they are just being polite at a social gathering and they end up with this strange description and response! For a lot of folk their first point of trying to connect is to think I do illustrations for children's books, so we wander a long and sometimes windy path to gain a better understanding...

And I think that is why I like this quote - my work is not normal, I love making it and it feels to me as if flowers grow alongside me as I go!

Irises by Vincent van Gogh, from the Met, NYC, 2012.


  1. oh, yes. oh yes! i once told a painter i was a fiber artist. to this day the jerk calls me a cereal artist.

  2. Thank you ... I often stammer when trying to explain what I do. It is belatedly occuring to me that I should perhaps carry a small sample to show rather than tell. Your posts are always thought-provoking in the best ways.

    1. What a great idea Liz - carry a sample! I sometime try to show people my website on my phone but that has serious limitations...but a couple of key photos might do it. It is funny trying to explain ourselves isn't it? I guess that's partly why we love finding our tribe here...go well.

  3. taking the time to slow down ans see the flowers along the way

    1. Yes indeed Mo, there are flowers to behold and to enjoy...go well.

  4. Lovely post Fiona! Book art is actually quite well acknowledged in France, maybe you should dip your toes dans l'eau! ;)

    1. Thanks Suzie - perhaps I should head to France! Although my attempts to explain myself fin my basic French could prove even more challenging for folk! Lovely to know that books as art are loved all over the world tho isn't it? Go well.

  5. I find that just responding to the question, "and what do you do?" will get me a few sideways looks. Somehow being any kind of artist is baffling to many. And if I say I'm a painter working in watercolors, I always get the same response - oh, those are so hard!

    1. So true Valerianna - it is such a funny moment in a conversation - I have this huge pause before a deep breath, and then dive in with some form of explanations that leaves folk bewildered! I must get better at it. Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.